Interesting Quotes from The Kittens' Coach

Maybe it will be a rivalry after all - next years games should be great - with UK's six, 5-star freshmen vs UT's Jrs and Srs. Who wins?
Just wait until the NCAA finds out about his recruiting practices! What will he say then? Tennessee will be the least of his worries. There is no way a school gets the recruits he does without something going on, come on NCAA!

I know, who would want to play at Kentucky? No basketball history there. The academic standards are much higher than places like Duke and UNC. The coach is an unheard of no-name with no NBA or college experience and not real good at Xs and Os either. His players have been a total fluke in the NBA and got no benefit from his coaching in college. It's also Cal's fault the one and done rule is in effect at all, b/c clearly he's conspiring with the NCAA (and ESPN) so he can take advantage of that rule, but no other team can. And according to you he cheats, despite constantly being in the spotlight (ESPN loves him, right?), so it's understandable how all these naive parents would just ship their kids off to this guy and hope for the best. Says a lot about these parents. You and your keen insight must know something all those parents, investigative reporters, and the NCAA doesn't -- or maybe they all like Cal so much that they are collectively putting their heads in the sand and refusing to take action against him. And what does it say about Kentucky itself? The school, having had no prior success, must be so disparate for wins, and there must be so few honest top coaching hires out there that would be "willing" to coach at a no-name basketball school like Kentucky for millions, that Kentucky I guess is just willing to settle on Cal and take the risk of NCAA sanctions.

I'm not a Kentucky fan, at all, but your statement is so canned and dumb it is worthy of comment. Your statement smacks of jealousy and is an EXCUSE for why UT doesnt compete on a consistent level. Or maybe it's a reflection of how you go about not achieving you own goals in your own life -- so and so scored better than me on the test, or so and so got the raise at work and I didn't, or so and so got the prettier girl that I wanted -- they MUST be cheating b/c I'm so great and so there couldn't possibly be any other explanation.

Congrats to UT for beating Kentucky. Even though Kentucky is a wounded dog, a win is a win over Kentucky and UT should be proud. With that said, overstatement of the universe if you think this win is somehow going to be "the moment" that turns UTs season around, gets recruiting up, and is the start of the downfall of Cal at Kentucky.:twocents:

I agree with some, maybe even a majority, of your statements, but other parts of your argument are illogical. I rarely recall a post where I alternately agree and disagree with so many consecutive opinions.

Exactly how many coaches in the history of the NCAA have had TWO final 4 appearances vacated due to rules infractions. I know, I know...Cal was innocent as the driven snow in BOTH cases. So, yes Cal is in the spotlight and the NCAA has hammered his teams TWICE. That's a far cry from the NCAA "refusing to take action against him." Kentucky is always desperate to win - just look at the questionable characters they have hired as coaches. Kentucky has been banned from post season play in multiple sports, including basketball. How many times has Tennessee been banned (in any sport)? Zero.

And, then you belittle the Tennessee win by saying we did it against a wounded dog. What do you consider Tennessee without Maymon? Sounds like you have more than just a little Blue streak in you to me.

Oh, and you completely lost me with the academic statement about Kentucky in comparison to Duke. Maybe you meant it was easier to recruit at Kentucky compared with Duke because of lower academic standards at Kentucky???
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You're right, he's not good, he's one of the best. THE best? No. Bruce Pearl is better at the Xs and Os, and I'm not sure that there is any better than BP....

Yep, just convinced me you are absolutely delusional with that BP comment. I'm guessing you're one of those that think he may actually coach at UT again someday. Bless your little heart.
Calipari lost to players he wouldn't bother to recruit, sweet!
He probably would like to have Jarnell though. :birgits_giggle: :lol:
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Just wait until the NCAA finds out about his recruiting practices! What will he say then? Tennessee will be the least of his worries. There is no way a school gets the recruits he does without something going on, come on NCAA!

Coach C will be heading to the NBA when the NCAA comes calling, then we all can:post-4-1090547912:
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He's burnt 2 tapes now. This one and the loss to Kansas in the NCAA championship game when he was at Memphis.
I know, who would want to play at Kentucky? No basketball history there. The academic standards are much higher than places like Duke and UNC. The coach is an unheard of no-name with no NBA or college experience and not real good at Xs and Os either. His players have been a total fluke in the NBA and got no benefit from his coaching in college. It's also Cal's fault the one and done rule is in effect at all, b/c clearly he's conspiring with the NCAA (and ESPN) so he can take advantage of that rule, but no other team can. And according to you he cheats, despite constantly being in the spotlight (ESPN loves him, right?), so it's understandable how all these naive parents would just ship their kids off to this guy and hope for the best. Says a lot about these parents. You and your keen insight must know something all those parents, investigative reporters, and the NCAA doesn't -- or maybe they all like Cal so much that they are collectively putting their heads in the sand and refusing to take action against him. And what does it say about Kentucky itself? The school, having had no prior success, must be so disparate for wins, and there must be so few honest top coaching hires out there that would be "willing" to coach at a no-name basketball school like Kentucky for millions, that Kentucky I guess is just willing to settle on Cal and take the risk of NCAA sanctions.

I'm not a Kentucky fan, at all, but your statement is so canned and dumb it is worthy of comment. Your statement smacks of jealousy and is an EXCUSE for why UT doesnt compete on a consistent level. Or maybe it's a reflection of how you go about not achieving you own goals in your own life -- so and so scored better than me on the test, or so and so got the raise at work and I didn't, or so and so got the prettier girl that I wanted -- they MUST be cheating b/c I'm so great and so there couldn't possibly be any other explanation.

Congrats to UT for beating Kentucky. Even though Kentucky is a wounded dog, a win is a win over Kentucky and UT should be proud. With that said, overstatement of the universe if you think this win is somehow going to be "the moment" that turns UTs season around, gets recruiting up, and is the start of the downfall of Cal at Kentucky.:twocents:
Ladies and Gentlemen I believe I have sighted a Troll.
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You're right, he's not good, he's one of the best. THE best? No. Bruce Pearl is better at the Xs and Os, and I'm not sure that there is any better than BP....

This is quite possibly the dumbest thing I have read on here. May even surpass the cuonzo martin must be fired thread
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Even though Kentucky is a wounded dog, a win is a win over Kentucky and UT should be proud. With that said, overstatement of the universe if you think this win is somehow going to be "the moment" that turns UTs season around, gets recruiting up, and is the start of the downfall of Cal at Kentucky.:twocents:

As much as your whole post got on my nerves, this part stood out. Why is it so delusional to say that this will kick start a run for us? We've looked good in 3 straight games now. I'm not predicting it necessarily, but who's to say we don't win 5 of our last 6? Teams get at different points during the season, and those are often started by wins like this. What exactly are you trying to deny here?

And if you don't think it helps recruiting to beat the absolute **** out of arguably the greatest program in college basketball (with some recruits present), then you are fooling yourself. Seriously.
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I'm glad he won't watch the tape, then he can't learn from his mistakes. I also think Calipari is much better at cheating than coaching.
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You're right, his success has been purely a result of cheating and raw talent that coach themselves. :ermm:

He is obviously not a bad X and O guy but his best talent is getting great players. He has always done that and the road to wins is easier when you do. BP was a great X and O coach. Look what he did with his first team that had little ranked talent. He struggled when he got the talented players who he could not control as easily and get them to play his way.

I see a little bit of the same with this UK team. They are talented but seem to look like they are a little soft and have a sense of entitlement that the UK guys who are NBA players now did not have.
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Just wait until the NCAA finds out about his recruiting practices! What will he say then? Tennessee will be the least of his worries. There is no way a school gets the recruits he does without something going on, come on NCAA!

It's idiots like you that make the college basketball world stupid as hell.
Just wait until the NCAA finds out about his recruiting practices! What will he say then? Tennessee will be the least of his worries. There is no way a school gets the recruits he does without something going on, come on NCAA!

So when Butch starts pulling in 4*s & 5*s we should become worried?
Just wait until the NCAA finds out about his recruiting practices! What will he say then? Tennessee will be the least of his worries. There is no way a school gets the recruits he does without something going on, come on NCAA!

Let it go dude. You guys crack me up with your accusations. Just enjoy the win. You have no proof whatsoever that Cal is cheating. Hatred for a team does not equal proof.
Its funny. The country doesnt have 1 team that doesnt think that ESPN has a conspiracy against them. No offense, but UK was picked to be a title contender this year, so the news is naturally going to be about UK and why the wheels have come off. Same thing happened when Baylor and A&M beat UK in Rupp.

That's why fan is short for fanatic. Some people really think ESPN sits around a table thinking of ways to screw UT.
I know, who would want to play at Kentucky? No basketball history there. The academic standards are much higher than places like Duke and UNC. The coach is an unheard of no-name with no NBA or college experience and not real good at Xs and Os either. His players have been a total fluke in the NBA and got no benefit from his coaching in college. It's also Cal's fault the one and done rule is in effect at all, b/c clearly he's conspiring with the NCAA (and ESPN) so he can take advantage of that rule, but no other team can. And according to you he cheats, despite constantly being in the spotlight (ESPN loves him, right?), so it's understandable how all these naive parents would just ship their kids off to this guy and hope for the best. Says a lot about these parents. You and your keen insight must know something all those parents, investigative reporters, and the NCAA doesn't -- or maybe they all like Cal so much that they are collectively putting their heads in the sand and refusing to take action against him. And what does it say about Kentucky itself? The school, having had no prior success, must be so disparate for wins, and there must be so few honest top coaching hires out there that would be "willing" to coach at a no-name basketball school like Kentucky for millions, that Kentucky I guess is just willing to settle on Cal and take the risk of NCAA sanctions.

I'm not a Kentucky fan, at all, but your statement is so canned and dumb it is worthy of comment. Your statement smacks of jealousy and is an EXCUSE for why UT doesnt compete on a consistent level. Or maybe it's a reflection of how you go about not achieving you own goals in your own life -- so and so scored better than me on the test, or so and so got the raise at work and I didn't, or so and so got the prettier girl that I wanted -- they MUST be cheating b/c I'm so great and so there couldn't possibly be any other explanation.

Congrats to UT for beating Kentucky. Even though Kentucky is a wounded dog, a win is a win over Kentucky and UT should be proud. With that said, overstatement of the universe if you think this win is somehow going to be "the moment" that turns UTs season around, gets recruiting up, and is the start of the downfall of Cal at Kentucky.:twocents:

I agree with everything but the part. This win actually could propel this team time will tell. The Vols should enjoy this win. They beat a team full of Mickey D All Americans and got inside their heads. Cal had it right when he said the kids want Toronto their own thing and the Vols jumped on them.Awesome ass whooping.
If you people are just realizing that espn hates us then you haven't been paying attention for the last 20yrs. They go out of their way to belittle us. I hope the SEC signs a longer contract with CBS. Espn is all about the Little Ten and the Pac 12 and can't stand the fact that the SEC is the premier sports league, most of their commentators are Little Ten graduates.

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