Interesting Way to Curb Illegal Immigration



Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2007
Heard it on the radio on my way to work last week, don't know how we could do it because most of these people stay underground until they need healthcare, but it sounds good....

Impose a lodging tax. Think about it. One way local governments generate revenue without raising taxes on its citizens, is to impose lodging taxes on outsiders staying there for the night. If you ever stay at a hotel, chances are there is a lodging tax on your bill. This does 3 things of interest with regard to illegal immigration. One, it doesn't make it free to come here anymore. Two, it turns the whole problem into a tax issue, not an immigration issue, and the IRS becomes the enforcer. And three, now these people are paying into the system instead of just mooching.

Don't want to come in legally? Fine, pay for every night you bed down.

Like I said, don't know how that would work, but sounds good to me.
How would this work? You want to try and tax people that already aren't paying taxes on wages and are probably renting apartments/houses from places that don't care as long as they get money?
How would this work? You want to try and tax people that already aren't paying taxes on wages and are probably renting apartments/houses from places that don't care as long as they get money?

Like I said, I don't know how it would work. Let the IRS deal with it, when it comes to collecting money, they will figure it out.
They haven't been able to figure out the age old "get paid under the table" method and they've had quite some time.
They haven't been able to figure out the age old "get paid under the table" method and they've had quite some time.

I should note I was only being half serious with this. If we can find them, then we can ship them back.

Nevertheless, changing the whole debate to a tax issue would be interesting to see how both sides of the current debate change.
Heard it on the radio on my way to work last week, don't know how we could do it because most of these people stay underground until they need healthcare, but it sounds good....

Impose a lodging tax. Think about it. One way local governments generate revenue without raising taxes on its citizens, is to impose lodging taxes on outsiders staying there for the night. If you ever stay at a hotel, chances are there is a lodging tax on your bill. This does 3 things of interest with regard to illegal immigration. One, it doesn't make it free to come here anymore. Two, it turns the whole problem into a tax issue, not an immigration issue, and the IRS becomes the enforcer. And three, now these people are paying into the system instead of just mooching.

Don't want to come in legally? Fine, pay for every night you bed down.

Like I said, don't know how that would work, but sounds good to me.


Please, you can't be serious.


This has to be one of the more stupid things I've ever read on this board.
Illegal immigration is a pet issue of mine but I don't think getting the IRS involved is a good idea. It will make it worse.
There are better ways to deal with the illegal immigration problem. Deport them if they are criminals, fine the hell out of companies that hire them, don't issue them liscenses, don't give them gifts from the treasury, don't let their kids go to school for free (and for gods sake at least dont give them classes in Spanish), get companies to quit advertising in Spanish, don't let them use ER rooms for primary healthcare etc...

Oh yeah, do away with the ridiculous mis understanding of the constitution that allows auto citizenship to any child born within our borders. Do away with this concept of "anchor babies".
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Illegal immigration is a pet issue of mine but I don't think getting the IRS involved is a good idea. It will make it worse.
There are better ways to deal with the illegal immigration problem. Deport them if they are criminals, fine the hell out of companies that hire them, don't issue them liscenses, don't give them gifts from the treasury, don't let their kids go to school for free (and for gods sake at least dont give them classes in Spanish), get companies to quit advertising in Spanish, don't let them use ER rooms for primary healthcare etc...

Oh yeah, do away with the ridiculous mis understanding of the constitution that allows auto citizenship to any child born within our borders. Do away with this concept of "anchor babies".
I agree, illegals use that loophole all the time. Having a baby here, when you're not supposed to be here shouldn't automatically give you a free pass.
well you could always charge a huge tax on money transfers (western union etc) to mexico...
, get companies to quit advertising in Spanish,

really? So you want the gov't to dictate how a company can advertise their product? There are plenty of people who know English but feel more comfortable with their own language.

well you could always charge a huge tax on money transfers (western union etc) to mexico...

so a tax that specifically targets a small segment of the population who is doing nothing wrong?

Gotta have better ideas than this
really? So you want the gov't to dictate how a company can advertise their product? There are plenty of people who know English but feel more comfortable with their own language.

so a tax that specifically targets a small segment of the population who is doing nothing wrong?

Gotta have better ideas than this

has it that tax increase different then the 1900% tax increase on beer in oregon?
has it that tax increase different then the 1900% tax increase on beer in oregon?

voted on by their local/state legislature I would assume? Your proposal would need to be federally enacted or would need to be adopted by all 50 states to be the same.
or we could just take fill the rio grande with disgruntled alligators, and some alligator gar on HGH.
Institute a death penalty for businesses and corporations that are habitual offenders in hiring illegals. When they are caught fine the hell out of them, if they have been repeatedly fined and still choose to hire illegals give the company the death penalty, it will only take one or two before the others realize the risk far outweighs any benefit.

For this would work you would have to go after smaller companies and construction outfits as well. Give them two strikes and then pull the business license of those who do not comply. Of coarse there would have to be strict oversight and teeth would need to be added to current laws on the books.
guest workers solves more problems than any other suggestion here

In the end that is what we already have now. How would instituting this policy be any better. How would it work? Would we issue a guest worker card and then trust they leave when it is up and reapply? Will it not encourage even more immigrants to come here for work? Is this a smart thing to do or have in place when many American citizens are already unemployed?
In the end that is what we already have now. How would instituting this policy be any better. How would it work? Would we issue a guest worker card and then trust they leave when it is up and reapply? Will it not encourage even more immigrants to come here for work? Is this a smart thing to do or have in place when many American citizens are already unemployed?

not really since the number of workers we get now legally does not keep up with demand. Make it easier to work here on the books but maintain strict standards to citizenship. In the construction industry most only work 8-9 months and then want to return home and see their families. This gives them the ability to do that while fulfilling our needs too.

Many Americans are still out of work because they believe they are entitled to a $25/hr job with full benefits and a company match 401k. I see plenty of jobs available around here that, while not glamorous, would help feed their family. Many aren't willing to do work that's "beneath them" and will live off the gov't cheese until they are given the proper job.

The work is there and we should give it to those who are willing

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