Intruder shot, killed after kicking in door, charging occupant with a knife

lmao. I didn't cover for Trump. I've always said he was an obnoxious ass. I did say impeachment was a waste of time. Guess what? It was. Trump should never have been President, but he was. Biden should never have been President, but he is.

Now, if my pointing out your hypocrisy ruffled your bloomers, well, I can't say I'm sorry because that would be a lie.

giving you a like only cause of the usage of the term "bloomers"

trump's impeachment wasn't a waste of time. The special counsel investigation was remarkably efficient. 199 criminal charges, 37 indictments or guilty pleas and 5 prison sentences. All those criminals woulda just gotten away with their crimes if not for the investigation
If they are rational and reasonable.
So yea.

Lol, it's black and white (no pun intended) . You either have to prove who you are by producing a valid, government issued, photo ID or you don't. No degrees of rational and reasonable required.
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giving you a like only cause of the usage of the term "bloomers"

trump's impeachment wasn't a waste of time. The special counsel investigation was remarkably efficient. 199 criminal charges, 37 indictments or guilty pleas and 5 prison sentences. All those criminals woulda just gotten away with their crimes if not for the investigation

the vast majority of these charges are Russians and other foreign nationals who did indeed get away with their crimes.

none of the prison sentences were linked to the underlying charge of collusion; they were either unrelated crimes (Stone, Manafort, etc) or process crimes (lying to FBI).

I'll not derail this thread further but would be happy to discuss in the appropriate thread
If they are rational and reasonable.
So yea.

"Rational and reasonable" - dems and qualified definitions. "Rational and reasonable" is great; it's just who defines those and where they set the criteria in question. I'd go with the same ID that allows you to fly allows you to vote, and the same questions that allow you to hold a concealed carry permit to decide if you have the moral character to participate in elections. Pretty sure you wouldn't agree.
You should have to provide an ID to both vote and buy a gun

Something we've actually failed to do is really establish is how constitutional rights apply to citizens and aliens - particularly those who aren't here by legal means. Constitutional rights should by logic only extend to citizens; humane treatment should extend to anyone, but not the rights and privileges granted by the Constitution. Once you accept that part - membership, and that is what citizenship is, then the issue of IDs to prove eligibility to enjoy rights granted to citizens under the Constitution should be unquestioned. You can either prove you are a member of the club or you are not entitled to the rights and privileges.

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