Iran to unveil "great nuclear achievements"

The only nation to peacefully dismantle their nuclear weapons stockpile has been South Africa and that was not the result of sanctions.

Sanctions did play a role though, responsible elements in the South African government knew that eventually it wouldn't be a good idea for that country to have nukes.

Iran has likely not focused on explosives for the initiation or special materials for thermonuclear capability, but I definitely believe the nature of their enrichment activities indicate they have an eye toward uranium-based nuclear weapons.

I just happened to think, after all the tough talk about the destruction of Israel by Iran, would the so-called Palestinians really want Israel to be attacked with nukes?

Have they ever heard of the term; 'collateral damage?'

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Iran warns Hamas against compromise with Israel By KHALED ABU TOAMEH 02/12/2012 19:46

Iran's supreme leader Khamenei expresses solidarity with Palestinians while meeting with Hamas PM Haniyeh...
I think I've discovered their great nuclear achievement.

Obama Proposes Unilateral Cuts In U.S. Warheads -

This latest example of presidential naivete, which makes even Jimmy Carter look like a warmongering hawk, seems based not on geostrategic reality but rather on the wishful thinking that the threat posed is nuclear weapons, not the enemies that possess them.

Pentagon planners have been asked to consider three force levels as part of a Nuclear Posture Review ordered by President Obama last August: a force of 1,100 to 1,000 warheads, a second scenario of between 700 and 800 warheads, and the lowest level of between 300 and 400 warheads.

Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney believes that even considering such deep strategic cuts is irrational. "No sane military leader," he says, "would condone 300 to 400 warheads for an effective nuclear deterrent strategy," he told Bill Gertz of the Washington Free Beacon.

This is Obama’s SECOND warheads reduction!!!!

Obama has already reduced deployed warheads by 70% with the New START Treaty. New START was signed on 8 April 2010 in Prague and entered into force on 5 February 2011.

So this new reduction is 80% of the remaining 30%. Reagan taught ‘Peace through strength’; Progressives/Obama practice ‘Peace through capitulation’.

Whatcha' think? :crazy:
I don't see the problem really with a 700/800 stockpile, that is still larger than the combined (estimated) stockpiles of the British, French, India, Pakistan, and North Korea. It would also be larger than the Chinese weapons as well.
Heck even reducing to the proposed 300/400 level we would still maintain the second largest stockpile behind Russia. I fail to see why we couldn't maintain an effective deterrent.

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