Having seen them operate I would put their pilots second only to the U.S.Navy. However I witnessed this in the 80's so a lot could have changed.I was under the impression that Israel's air force is the second best in the world (behind the US), am I confusing it with another country?
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no one imagined that muslims would fly planes into building either but it happened.
you have to understand that their mentality is that God is on their side and they will destroy israel no matter the costs.
This. Blasting a ship with no outwardly hostile on an international sea lane with a sea skimmer because you aren't friends isn't the best idea.
it's funny how everyone gets pissed at iran for acting under the cloud of religion when israel does the same thing.
This. Not shabby at all, but it's not as if Iran's air defense network is made up of vintage German 88's.
Iraqis nailed a us destroyer with an exocet missle during the iran iraq war. The crew saved her iirc.
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USS Stark FFG, which I did a UNITAS on in 97. Two missiles hit it, with one not detonating. Barely made it to Bahrain to get patched up to go back to Mayport. And it was in 87 when it got hit
could it be a "Wag the Dog" situation?
They are going to look pretty stupid if Egypt doenst allow them to pass, they may get desperate