Is Eric Gordon officially gone for good?

Good? C'mon man..

I guess I just don't understand why our fans put our own players down like that. The guy played as hard and tough as anyone on the team and should he applauded for that. He won us the vandy game the year b4 last with his pick 6. No he wasn't the best in coverage (Sal's defense did him no favors and used him completely wrong IMO) but he was still the most physical and best tackler of any of our CBs. I think he would be our starting nickel this year. But even if he wasn't I wish he was still a part of our team because of the physicality and aggressiveness he brought to our secondary.

Injuries was the down fall of our defense last year, which put DB on a island.

But yes, I hope nothing but the best for him, he may realize a job search is in best interest of his family and not a pass at NFL Football, cudos to a kid to realize what is in his best interest and move on with his life. :rock:
Eric will remain on scholarship while finishing up his studies toward a degree. Likely December graduate. Not expected to be on the playing field this fall.

His issue is personal, Not academic and not breaking any team rules

Hate that he won't be on the field, was looking forward to his head hunter attitude. The kid brought it (not that it always worked out tho!!)
Good to hear he's finishing academically tho!:thumbsup:
I wish he was still on the team. With good coaching, who knows if he would've lived up to the hype. I will always appreciate (1) him signing with UT over Bama, etc., when we really needed a vote of confidence from the Middle Tennessee area recruits, (2) the aforementioned pick 6 to beat Vandy, and (3) his aggression on the field. I would also note that I'm sure Gordon is more disappointed that he never became a star for UT than our fans could possibly be because it's his life and I'm sure he had NFL dreams when he signed with UT over Bama, etc.

Can't be said enough.
My roommate is a Vandy cop and has seen Eric a few times in the hospital. From what he has told me, he is not doing too well. Mentally is having some problems. Doubt he will ever see the field again.
SIAP. CBJ confirmed he will not be on the team this year in his presser earlier today.
My roommate is a Vandy cop and has seen Eric a few times in the hospital. From what he has told me, he is not doing too well. Mentally is having some problems. Doubt he will ever see the field again.

Very sad to hear. Mental health issues are far more common these days than many realize, I think.

Above all else, I hope Eric finishes his degree and (if the above is accurate) gets healthy.
"Fifth-year defensive back Eric Gordon remains a part of Tennessee’s “program” as he works toward finishing his degree, but he is not a part of the team and won’t play in 2013, coach Butch Jones said on Wednesday."

The End
He may have been my favorite DB overall cause he always seemed to be going all out on every play. He, like the rest of the D, seemed confused at times in the Sunseri fire drill last year, but I never thought he quit. That's more than I can say for a few others. Wish you the Best, Eric.
I was thinking the same. We heard there was a football player too but did we ever hear which one? Does anyone know what ever happened to that whole situation?

We may never know. Then again, it might be better if we don't. I know inquiring minds want to know, but sometimes less is more. I think this whole ordeal has gotten more press than it deserves.
Guys it was all a big misunderstanding with EG

He and his friends were just maxin and relaxin shootin some B-ball outside Hillsboro school. When a couple of guys were up to no good. They started making trouble in his neighborhood. He got in one little fight and his mom got scared. She said, "you're moving with your aunt and uncle to Bel-Air"

That's why he isn't around right now

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