Disagree. The matter of education standards should be the domain of each state. Homogenization has seen us become the spendiest of nations and a dramatic underachiever.
Education standards
should be the domain of
each university. The individual states should not be involved due to politics.
'Should be' because there are some schools who'd sign the farmer's son that could chuck a mush melon into a bushel basket from the center of his daddy's truck patch all day long, but don't know the rural route he lives on.
So the NCAA set a minimum 2.0 GPA which won't get you into most universities anyway. Now, too many schools having trouble keeping these kids eligible and advancing towards a degree with a 2.0 GPA admission, which is low. So..
In come the new across the board NCAA 2.3 GPA/sliding scale college admissions test scores, BUT they won't take effect until 2016, and do not affect this or next year's recruiting.
Is UT's admission 2.5 for recruits, I couldn't find it, because they say pretty quick in their admission rules (previously linked) that they take the 'holistic' approach also. Based on the PSA's complete package, and considering the minimum NCAA & SEC entrance requirements, will he make it at this school.
Early Enrollee's are covered in the guidelines thus:
Early Admissions Program Waiver. A waiver may be granted by the Academics Cabinet for a student who left high school after completion of the junior year or during the senior year to enter a member institution under an early admissions program (open to students solely on the basis of outstanding academic performance and promise), provided the following conditions are met:
For the last four semesters completed in high school, the student maintained a cumulative, minimum grade point average of 3.500 (based on a maximum of 4.000) and ranked in the top 20 percent of the student's class;
The student has not met the requirements for graduation from high school; and
Any remaining deficiency must be in the core‑course area of English (i.e., the student is lacking only the fourth year of English).
Someone who knows how to find it, please locate the specific link to what UT's actual minimum GPA/SAT/ACT requirement is now and post it.
All I can find is the NCAA's 2.0 GPA for til 2015, and that it goes to 2.3 in 2016.