You realize you are the only one in this thread that thinks you make a lick of sense right?
I'm not trying to be rude but you are coming across so damn arrogant it's truly annoying.
Droski uses his CFA on a daily basis. It doesn't get more real world than that. Just because you have read some book doesn't make your view more real world.
He actually gets paid to deal with this stuff.
I am not picking sides because honestly this debate is absurd but it would just be nice if you could be less condescending.
I admit I do run smack on the sports board. It does sound arrogant at times, but is meant to be more like jibes on sport radio. I try, and I like to think I succeed, in avoiding the name-calling. I like to focus on the opinion and not the person, but I certainly do include hyperbole and the sport radio machismo.
He makes money in the real world; I make money in the real world. I was certainly not one who cried foul that Alvarez was not an geologist when he discovered the iridium spike at the KT boundary.
Right now, droski is claiming that the taxpayer, giving 0% interest loans to the banks which they then loaned back to the taxpayer at premium is good business, or bought treasuries which became solid assets to their portfolio,
is simply farce I'm afraid. It is exactly what I said it was, an accounting trick.
It may work in the ledger book (for a brief period of time), it may fulfill the requirements of accounting vocabulary, but it certainly will not work in the real world.
Unless, of course, Keynes had it more right than even he believed.
And this still neglects the 1.25 trillion which was basically paid by the taxpayer to take "toxic" assets (great accounting vocabulary again) from a debit to a credit.
Is TARP in the red? YES. Have most of the banks paid back TARP? No Were the rules, especially regarding mergers, changed just for this emergency? YES. Was TARP peanuts in comparison to the other bailout packages? ABSOLUTELY.