Islamic student for another Holocaust.

gsvol : Why did the country of Lebenaon go from 80+% Christian to 20% Christian during the twentieth century?? Two words, "islamic jihad."

So you assume the Muslims massacred them down to 20%... lol at you and your ignorant rants! I bet you live in a bunker and have a survival kit.

And I read on another forum where you wrote that 1 million Tutsis were slaughtered by Muslims. The funny thing is the Hutus are Catholic.

I bet you believe that Obama is a Muslim and he wasn't born in the U.S.

Do you look out your window and wait for the U.N. black helicopters?

But nonetheless, I do enjoy your posts. They do shed light on how the ignorant right wing nut jobs view the world.

Sad but 100% true
gsvol : Why did the country of Lebenaon go from 80+% Christian to 20% Christian during the twentieth century?? Two words, "islamic jihad."

So you assume the Muslims massacred them down to 20%... lol at you and your ignorant rants! I bet you live in a bunker and have a survival kit.

And I read on another forum where you wrote that 1 million Tutsis were slaughtered by Muslims. The funny thing is the Hutus are Catholic.

I bet you believe that Obama is a Muslim and he wasn't born in the U.S.

Do you look out your window and wait for the U.N. black helicopters?

But nonetheless, I do enjoy your posts. They do shed light on how the ignorant right wing nut jobs view the world.

I wouldn't think all were massacred but many of them left because of the persecution. The ones that were killed were killed, the others left because they had reason to fear.
I wouldn't think all were massacred but many of them left because of the persecution. The ones that were killed were killed, the others left because they had reason to fear.

There was no persecution in Lebanon in that sense of the word... there were religious factions, all of them armed and all of them killing each other. The reason there was a civil war is long and complicated with many outside forces playing major roles.

A majority of the people who left Lebanon due to the civil war there were Christians because they were the ones who could afford to, being that they are mostly middle class.

FTR, their President is a christian... and has to be.

Oh, and I've been there... I'm sure gsvol would love it.
There was no persecution in Lebanon in that sense of the word... there were religious factions, all of them armed and all of them killing each other. The reason there was a civil war is long and complicated with many outside forces playing major roles.

A majority of the people who left Lebanon due to the civil war there were Christians because they were the ones who could afford to, being that they are mostly middle class.

FTR, their President is a christian... and has to be.

Oh, and I've been there... I'm sure gsvol would love it.

It's much easier to turn every issue into a us vs. them, black and white, 1 or 0 affair. Facts and reality are only relevant when they support this reasoning.
There was no persecution in Lebanon in that sense of the word... there were religious factions, all of them armed and all of them killing each other. The reason there was a civil war is long and complicated with many outside forces playing major roles.

A majority of the people who left Lebanon due to the civil war there were Christians because they were the ones who could afford to, being that they are mostly middle class.

FTR, their President is a christian... and has to be.

Oh, and I've been there... I'm sure gsvol would love it.

You are so FOS it must be running out you snotty little nose.

BTW the last Christian president was assassinated.

Not counting the purges during the Nazi/muslim reign that ended with the end of WWII, Syria occupied lebanon for 35 years in the latter half of the 20th century and countless thousands of young Christian men were arrested in the middle of the night, shipped off to Syrian dungeons to be tortured and murdered and are still unaccounted for by the Syrian government.

Your ignorance and that of others stands out like a sore thumb.

Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America | The Heritage Foundation

The Turks still say the slaughter of two million unarmed Armenians was because of internecine fighting which is a blatant lie and no mention is ever even made of the million christian Greeks or the million Assyrian Christians who were also slaughtered by muslims in the name of islamic jihad.

The pearl of the Mediterranean, Beiruit isn't what it used to be, but if you have indeed been there then you should know that.

How soon we forget.

Terrorist Bombing Of The Marine Barracks, Beirut, Lebanon
Get our of your Y2K bunker and give the real world a shot... calling you ignorant would be an insult to ignorant people...

The last president of Lebanon was not assassinated and is in FACT alive. So is the one before him and the one before and....

I have indeed been to Beirut and I would suggest you go, you'll have a good time there...

But on a serious note : I am in awe of your ignorance.
gsvol : Why did the country of Lebenaon go from 80+% Christian to 20% Christian during the twentieth century?? Two words, "islamic jihad."

So you assume the Muslims massacred them down to 20%... lol at you and your ignorant rants! I bet you live in a bunker and have a survival kit.

And I read on another forum where you wrote that 1 million Tutsis were slaughtered by Muslims. The funny thing is the Hutus are Catholic.

I bet you believe that Obama is a Muslim and he wasn't born in the U.S.

Do you look out your window and wait for the U.N. black helicopters?

But nonetheless, I do enjoy your posts. They do shed light on how the ignorant right wing nut jobs view the world.
Wow, this is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

So when did you first figure you had a thing for sheep??

I can empathise, those ewes do look cute when the flick their tails back and forth.

"The Clinton administration launched an attack on people in Texas because those people were religious nuts with guns. Hell, this country was founded by religious nuts with guns. Who does Bill Clinton think stepped ashore on Plymouth Rock? Peace Corps volunteers? Or maybe the people in Texas were attacked because of abuse. But, if child abuse was the issue, why didn't Janet Reno tear-gas Woody Allen?"

Speaking of Woody Allen, not only has he said Roman Polanski has paid his dues and shouldn't be extradited from Switerland to face charges off child molestation, Woody says obambi whould be granted dictatorial powers. I sh!t you not.

Did you read this??
Calm down dudes! I have the answer!

Let me start with the facts.

Islam and Christianity are complete fabrications!

Christianity has the advantage though. Why? Because it started roughly 600 years earlier. Christians were free to reign terror all over the world without the scrutiny of a 24/7 media for hundreds of years. While Muslims were just realizing themselves, Christians were killing multitudes in The Crusades. In the name of religion, of course.

In fact, America was founded on terror. Yea, I said it.

Oh, there are natives here? No big deal, let's just murder them. The ones we don't kill? Send them to the desert. Oh, we don't have enough workers? Let's go to that country over there and forcibly take them so they can do work for us. The one's that can't hack it? Death.

Nowadays, the Christians have calmed down. The rational ones have realized that they must compromise their beliefs; while the others are laughed at by the rest of society.

Muslims, on the other hand, have a ridiculously large number of radical believers that still take their Holy Book literally. They want to kill non-believers. Does that sound familiar? Sounds old school Christian to me.

Islam is about 600 years after Christ. So, you can expect Islam to follow the exact same path that Christianity has.

Unless of course, Science happens.
Calm down dudes! I have the answer!

Let me start with the facts.

Islam and Christianity are complete fabrications!

Christianity has the advantage though. Why? Because it started roughly 600 years earlier. Christians were free to reign terror all over the world without the scrutiny of a 24/7 media for hundreds of years. While Muslims were just realizing themselves, Christians were killing multitudes in The Crusades. In the name of religion, of course.

In fact, America was founded on terror. Yea, I said it.

Oh, there are natives here? No big deal, let's just murder them. The ones we don't kill? Send them to the desert. Oh, we don't have enough workers? Let's go to that country over there and forcibly take them so they can do work for us. The one's that can't hack it? Death.

Nowadays, the Christians have calmed down. The rational ones have realized that they must compromise their beliefs; while the others are laughed at by the rest of society.

Muslims, on the other hand, have a ridiculously large number of radical believers that still take their Holy Book literally. They want to kill non-believers. Does that sound familiar? Sounds old school Christian to me.

Islam is about 600 years after Christ. So, you can expect Islam to follow the exact same path that Christianity has.

Unless of course, Science happens.

Got Guilt?
So when did you first figure you had a thing for sheep??

I can empathise, those ewes do look cute when the flick their tails back and forth.

"The Clinton administration launched an attack on people in Texas because those people were religious nuts with guns. Hell, this country was founded by religious nuts with guns. Who does Bill Clinton think stepped ashore on Plymouth Rock? Peace Corps volunteers? Or maybe the people in Texas were attacked because of abuse. But, if child abuse was the issue, why didn't Janet Reno tear-gas Woody Allen?"

Speaking of Woody Allen, not only has he said Roman Polanski has paid his dues and shouldn't be extradited from Switerland to face charges off child molestation, Woody says obambi whould be granted dictatorial powers. I sh!t you not.

Did you read this??

You just quoted me from a completely unrelated thread, to crack a lame joke implying I practice bestiality? Wow.
The guy from yard crashers on DIY network is a Muslim. So, when he's in someone's back yard digging a post hole, is he really wishing he was digging their grave?
The guy from yard crashers on DIY network is a Muslim. So, when he's in someone's back yard digging a post hole, is he really wishing he was digging their grave?

No way. He is really wishing he was digging out the first level of an elevator shaft directly to hell.
I still can't get over how fat little Miss Jihad is.

The funny thing is the radicals she would endorse would almost assuredly find her to be a glutton and guilty of sin in the eyes of Allah, probably persecute if not kill her for her offenses.

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