Israel caught spying on the USA...again.

I'm not a fan of Pollard being set free, but I have pretty strict views on traitors.

Thanks for the congrats - she's at 38 weeks we're definitely getting close. Congrats on the upcoming grandchild!

As for you assessment of current energy policy:

- We're wasting our time with corn ethanol. I won't disagree at all. Ethanol may work in certain areas for certain purposes. But, it's not straightforward. Any time you divert land use to produce fuel, you may suffer certain negative consequences that you have to factor in to the overall "cost" of that decision. The CO2 balance depends very much on how you are making the ethanol (corn vs. sugar cane, etc.), but in the case of corn ethanol, it just isn't worth it (whether you think AGW is an issue or not).

- I am personally in favor of continuing to develop solar/wind/alternatives, but you can't force it in the wrong situations and there is no way you can argue these technologies are ready for primetime. But, we live in a resource-constrained world and these technologies will have a place in time. Investment now makes sense..I don't think of it as money thrown away if it helps these technologies move closer to meeting future energy needs.

- As for coal, it's a tough one. If one doesn't accept the premise of AGW, then one will never agree that coal should be phased out. There's no other way to slice it. Coal can be scrubbed to be "clean" outside of CO2 ... and if one doesn't see a problem with the higher CO2 that coal produces relative to other fuels, then one is never going to think that coal is a problem.

- I think that combined cycle natural gas plants have a huge role in future of energy production in this country, particularly considering the gas reserves we are discovering.
I'm not a fan of Pollard being set free, but I have pretty strict views on traitors.

Thanks for the congrats - she's at 38 weeks we're definitely getting close. Congrats on the upcoming grandchild!

As for you assessment of current energy policy:

- We're wasting our time with corn ethanol. I won't disagree at all. Ethanol may work in certain areas for certain purposes. But, it's not straightforward. Any time you divert land use to produce fuel, you may suffer certain negative consequences that you have to factor in to the overall "cost" of that decision. The CO2 balance depends very much on how you are making the ethanol (corn vs. sugar cane, etc.), but in the case of corn ethanol, it just isn't worth it (whether you think AGW is an issue or not).

- I am personally in favor of continuing to develop solar/wind/alternatives, but you can't force it in the wrong situations and there is no way you can argue these technologies are ready for primetime. But, we live in a resource-constrained world and these technologies will have a place in time. Investment now makes sense..I don't think of it as money thrown away if it helps these technologies move closer to meeting future energy needs.

- As for coal, it's a tough one. If one doesn't accept the premise of AGW, then one will never agree that coal should be phased out. There's no other way to slice it. Coal can be scrubbed to be "clean" outside of CO2 ... and if one doesn't see a problem with the higher CO2 that coal produces relative to other fuels, then one is never going to think that coal is a problem.

- I think that combined cycle natural gas plants have a huge role in future of energy production in this country, particularly considering the gas reserves we are discovering.

While Pollard remains in prison, one of the released Gitmo detainees has blown up a bus in Israel killing several people. Don't you think the 27 years served by Pollard is enough?

What are your views on the traitor in residence at the White House?

Thanks for the cograts, I am appalled and ashamed that not one other poster on this board did congratulate you on your announcement. I previously thought we had a more friendly, family oriented board than we do, it must be prejudice against breeders. Expecting a boy or girl?Please let us know when the happy event occurs.

Provide me with your email address and we may stay in contact. Mens et Manus, it seems my days seem to be numbered here and besides it has become boring.

We agree that the use of ethanol fuel is idiotic.

What do you mean by CO2 balance?

We are no where near some tipping point as to having too much CO2 in the atmosphere, actually we are at the minimum for maintaining life on Earth, draconian measures to restrict CO2 emmissions are as idiotic as the ethanol mandates. That is actual science, not political hype.

AGW = Al Gore Warming, (a commie from the gitgo even from when he was a child and sat on the knee of Armand Hammer a noted soviet agent.)


Hundreds of billions of dollars invested in failed projects that your child will have to repay isn't a waste? Get real Trad.

Mostly our energy resources are constrained by government energy policies, we are the Saudi Arabia of coal resources but we are putting coal use out of business. (except for what we are exporting to India and China.)

We can survive, even thrive with as much as eight times the amount of CO2 as we currently have in the atmosphere with no harm to humans or any other animals and with greatly added impetus to all plant life.

Now to natual gas.

The EPA is doing it's best to try to outlaw fracking on the premiss that it may polute ground water.

We have been using hydrolic fracturing since 1949 with not one documented case of ground water polution.

New York state has put a hold on any such drilling.

A neighbor down the road from me, I know him well, had his picture on the front page of the Nashivlle Tennessean recently saying he wouldn't lease his land for natual gas drilling because of the danger of ground water polution.

He is a doofus for saying that, he already had $60 million he inherited.

Nitwit environmenalist are trying to do the same thing in Tennessee they did in NY, based on a possiblitity that doesn't exist.
We are expecting a girl.

I'll ask the mods to give my email to you. Not sure if you'll get it this way or not, but we'll try.

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