Issues with the Child Tax Credit Advances

I hear ya. But I ain't giving them one red cent for free. I am supposed to pay quarterly, but I can take that money and invest it and make up the penalty. I HATE writing them a check, but I hate the thought even more of letting have my money for free.

Yes sir. Take the time value of money into account when considering estimates and estimate penalties. Most large money players do the same.
Long quote
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage."

Alexander Fraser Tytler
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Child tax credit portal: How to opt out with the IRS, set up direct deposit, see eligibility and more

Ok, I have multiple issues here.
1. Of course they’re setting people up to owe the IRS who have zero idea how taxes work. They just know they woke up to free money today.

2. Speaking of waking up to free money, it pisses me off that they sent a letter a month back saying it’s coming and they’ll tell us more soon but then we wake up this morning to see money from the IRS in our bank account. I guarantee they know most people won’t opt out after they get that first payment so they purposely delayed the “more info to come”.

3. And this might aggravate me more than anything, to opt out you have to make an account. To make an account you have to scan a valid driver license or passport AND do a biometric scan of your face. So if that’s required to stop getting money from the IRS why the hell can’t we do that to vote!?
Is that seriously what you have to do? My husband and I want to opt out, but I haven’t really looked very far into it yet.
Is that seriously what you have to do? My husband and I want to opt out, but I haven’t really looked very far into it yet.
That’s what my wife said when she went on this morning. It doesn’t matter though. We are just going to set the money aside.
To be honest, I don’t shoot for zero i shoot for getting less than $500 back. That might sound like a lot of money to some people but when you consider the tax burden our household owes it isn’t much. I only do that to avoid needing to write the SOB grifters another check.
Same here
The whole point of this scheme is to get government cheese into the hands of people who won’t owe money next year anyways. I give you the money now because you won’t have a liability next year and you don’t have to wait to blow this sweet free cash. There’s no downside for them. But for those of us that actually owe taxes it’s setting us up for a boning.
AYFKM. I have to take a video selfie in order to prove who I am. This is in addition to already scanning my drivers license. IMAGINE having to do this to vote. I'm doing this to stop receiving money from the government. We sent $40B in fraudulent UI benefits to prisoners and scammers without blinking but you need a letter signed by the pope in your mother's blood to stop getting your government cheese.
View attachment 384434
AYFKM. I have to take a video selfie in order to prove who I am. This is in addition to already scanning my drivers license. IMAGINE having to do this to vote. I'm doing this to stop receiving money from the government. We sent $40B in fraudulent UI benefits to prisoners and scammers without blinking but you need a letter signed by the pope in your mother's blood to stop getting your government cheese.

It is true insanity.
The way I understand it is that they upped the child tax credit to $2000 and $3000 per child (which is INSANE)

What is insane is to do nothing about our unsustainably low fertility rate (1.6 per woman -- with our high rate of illegitimacy, that's less than 1 per woman born within wedlock). Some on the cultural Left have begun calling the desire for children a "breeding fetish." Some on the environmentalist Left want to impose a carbon tax on the third and subsequent children in each family. Some on the Right treat the procreation and upbringing of children as an indifferent lifestyle choice, of no more moral, social, or political consequence than the decision to own a sports car or a vacation home. We've created a social and economic order that makes the formation and maintenance of a traditional, one-income family (the foundation of a healthy society) extremely difficult. I, for one, am happy for these two recent increases in the child tax credit. It's time we did something to support the traditional family after doing so much to undermine it.
I bet less than 10 percent gets spent on children

I don't know how the allocation of these funds will be tracked and measured, but I find that extremely hard to believe. In our household, the entirety of the credit will be applied to things that directly or indirectly benefit our children.
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View attachment 384434
AYFKM. I have to take a video selfie in order to prove who I am. This is in addition to already scanning my drivers license. IMAGINE having to do this to vote. I'm doing this to stop receiving money from the government. We sent $40B in fraudulent UI benefits to prisoners and scammers without blinking but you need a letter signed by the pope in your mother's blood to stop getting your government cheese.
I did the same thing, eventually getting through the process and opted out. However, I got a $300 deposit this month anyway and for the life of me I cannot figure why I got that amount. I did learn that both me and my wife had to opt out, which I find ridiculous since we file jointly. But even with that, we have 2 kids over 6, so the full amount would have been 500, so half should be 250, but I got 300, so I'm totally confused.
I opted out. Took about 10 minutes on my phone. My account advised me to opt out.

Ticked me off the way the government rolled this out.

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