It came, It came, just in time too!!!!!


Just sayin

for a second there I didn't see that phone
From the website: "UT Slapsigns are available on the street at all home games for $50.00 (including tax) or online for $65.00 (including tax, shipping and handling).
Our sign is 27″ x 8″ and made from 1/2″ MDF board. Each is cut using a computer-guided router to the highest possible detail given the size requirements. They are sanded, given two coats of UT orange paint, vinyl wording is applied, and a coat of polyurethane to protect the finish for unlimited slaps. They are made to fit above standard interior doors."

i looked up the MDF board,seems to be some concerns with it

"If that weren’t bad enough, much MDF is manufactured using formaldehyde, a known human carcinogen."

Why I Avoid MDF and Furniture Built with MDF (and Think You Should, Too)

said to make sure it was properly sealed

and wasn't there a thread on here,that showed how to make one ? i remember there being one somewhere

but it does look great

VN Store
