good point. i probably should have phrased it as i'm enjoying this one's fall the most.
The only way this story can get better is for someone to finally start asking questions about how Clemens idol/Texas deity Nolan Ryan lasted so long. I think they would get some interesting answers.i pretty much have a disgust for the whole state of Texas. from their sports teams to their "everything is bigger in Texas" BS they say all the time.
ever met anybody from Texas? their conversations always starts with "well, in Texas..." or "everybody knows the real UT is in Austin".
i've been to every major Texas city, by car, at one time or another. with the exception of the River Walk in San Antonio, i wouldn't bat an eye if the whole state was over taken by Mexico. there's nothing but nothingness to look at and the state is a MAJOR boar from the car.
the fact that their prodigal son is going down in a heaping pile of flames because he subscribes to whole Texas attitude makes it that much better.
is there really any debate about Nolan and some sort of roids?
Canseco and his crew had roids well before 1991.we all know that steroids are only a part of baseball from 1991 on. No way could Ryan or ANYONE pre 1991 have cheated to gain an advantage in baseball. There's no way. That's the reason any new record gets an asterisk.
Bullcrap. Players have been cheating at baseball in whatever way they could think of since about 1869.