its funny how we look at the history of our various presidents. the way they campaigned back then was probably really aggressive for that time. the satire that many columnists used on each politician is pretty tame by today's standards but back then it was probably pretty rough.
i just think its funny that there are some clowns that think obama will take care of their mortgage and car payments. hahahahaha man are they in for a rude awakening
i just think its funny that there are some clowns that think obama will take care of their mortgage and car payments. hahahahaha man are they in for a rude awakening
Oh yeah baby!! Rocky Top at the Inaugural Parade...blaring for all to hear!!! Go Pride of the Southland! Right now on CNN...I love it, it was on for about 20 seconds or more before they cut to taped footage.
Are you sure? Well..maybe at a spot other than the President's vantage point...they were playing Rocky Top as they came by the President....representing quite well.