This is exactly the kind of mediocrity that my post was trying to dissuade. What does "8-4" mean for us this year? Given our start thus far, 8-4 would likely mean:
Alabama or South Carolina
Alabama or South Carolina
You can go ahead and direct your post at me, if you'd like, because I will NOT be satisfied with that tally. That would mean 1-5 or 0-6 over two years to the three teams that we really hate. And, if you toss SC (with Spurrier) in there, it grows to 1-7.
The way I see it, South Carolina is not good. Alabama is fair, at best. Georgia has looked VERY unimpressive on offense for two weeks running. They were a Brent Schaeffer INT from losing to Ole Miss. OLE MISS. I want 3-for-3 out of those. I could stomach a loss to LSU, as I think that they out-talent us this year. That leaves us (assuming that we win the games remaining in which are substantially better than the opponent) at 10-2.
As to "we can't be 12-0 or 10-2 every year," I'll agree with the first half of that statement. SEC teams will pull off a perfect season only rarely. But, losing 2 or less should be a goal every year, as should regular trips to Atlanta and periodically bringing a trophy home with us.
That's how I see it. Sorry, but "well, at least we beat Vanderbilt" will NOT be a consolation to me if we finish 8-4.