It's getting closer, ladies and gents

Golf reminds me of nascar, they both take to long to watch the entire day event.
Golf reminds me of nascar, they both take to long to watch the entire day event.

Only because in the past 10 years they've really expanded golf coverage. Used to be that all you got was 2-3 hours of the back 9 on Saturday and Sunday.
I'm pumped. I got my practice round tickets in the mail. In addition to getting excited for the Masters, I've got the itch to hit the golf course lately. Unfortunately, I've been too busy and I've been stuck at work. I haven't played since the fall. Bummer.
I can't wait until whispering commentators that talk about how much dew is on the grass and the color of men's pants.
I went to a practice round in 2007. It was something i will never forget. I remember two guys in front of us talking about who would win, one laughed and said Zach Johnson, being sarcastic of course. Little did he know.
I've been lucky enough to get tickets to Saturday's round. I've been to a practice round before, but never the real thing. Does anyone know how early I need to be at the gate that morning in order to get a good spot? Also, how difficult is it to get a good seat at Amen Corner behind 12 tee?
I've been lucky enough to get tickets to Saturday's round. I've been to a practice round before, but never the real thing. Does anyone know how early I need to be at the gate that morning in order to get a good spot? Also, how difficult is it to get a good seat at Amen Corner behind 12 tee?
You're best bet is probably to stand in the pine straw to the right of the 12th tee unless you want to get there very early and stare at the grass growing for awhile.

My best advice is don't attempt to follow any of the leaders. You'll be miserable running up and down hills and the crowds on the weekends dwarf what you see during the practice rounds.
I like walking the course. I never sit in just one spot.

I couldnt get anyone to go with me so I gave my tickets to my uncle :(
You're best bet is probably to stand in the pine straw to the right of the 12th tee unless you want to get there very early and stare at the grass growing for awhile.

My best advice is don't attempt to follow any of the leaders. You'll be miserable running up and down hills and the crowds on the weekends dwarf what you see during the practice rounds.

Can you not leave your chair on the grass bank behind 12 tee and come back later?

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