The news I just got put it in perspective. I know it's not what you want to hear on Volnation in times like this but take a moment to step back and prioritize.
Take care
Believe it or not, there are some people on this site that I like to consider my friends. We may have never actually met face to face but that doesn't matter. Sometimes real life slaps you in the face and causes changes in your life and you want to let your friends know about things.
On second thought, you are right. I would like to take this moment to apologize to everyone here when I posted about the scare with my wife's health several months ago. Obviously I was whoring for attention.
'its a very SERIOUS business huh' go on a message board of all places and do a tease thing to drawn attention to yourself....yet another example of how in the world do some of the people on this site function in the real world...
someone's wanting some attention it appears...grow up
'its a very SERIOUS business huh' go on a message board of all places and do a tease thing to drawn attention to yourself....yet another example of how in the world do some of the people on this site function in the real world...
So the guy NOT looking for attention is the one on a forum bragging about how wealthy he is?!?
someone's wanting some attention it appears...grow up
My response was brief and a result of a direct question from 'GrowVol'....Fill us in on how you function in the real world. Yet another example
Obviously, well obvious to those who can muster just a bit of logic and reason it was intended to be sardonic....the self effacing humor even mocking in an attempt to present myself in a 'everyman mode' and make the statement more palatable to those of .well lets just say those of a certain ilk....
In other words I was being modest....if I had been more forthcoming RE the 'healthy, wealthy and wise' I would have conveyed that yeah I'm a few lbs overweight and a little soft but for my age (62) I'm in great shape....'wise' is highly subjective and thus difficult to measure however her second cousin (cuz to many of you) is intelligence and mine is so high it would actually embarrass me and infuriate you if I posted posted it here and as far as my being 'wealthy', well if you had some idea as to how comfortable I am it would probably depress many of you to no there you go....sorry...I was attempting to spare some of you hurt feelings as you finish off this months government cheese with stale saltines.....