I've hesitated to post this thread, but someone has to speak out.

Let me ax you a couple of questions. And I am not really taking a stand here... but you brought up a couple of the more interesting aspects that I think highlight the hypocrisy of even the pro life side.

1) If abortion is murder, why should exceptions be made in the case of rape or incest? Are not those babies innocent as well? I didn't say abortion was "murder." "Innocence" is a feeling inducing adjective, not a point of objective debate.
You pointed to the 'moral high ground'. I for one claim no such thing, because all of this is between the killer and God; I just don't want to pay for it... in any circumstance. OK. Are you saying you don't care about abortion so long as you don't have to pay for it? Interesting. As I've stated, I find abortion after 20 weeks disgusting whether my tax dollars are involved or not.

2) You point to the raising of the 'unwanted' child. I think this highlights a fundamental problem with America in general in that it is a shirk of responsibility. Fascinating point, I'd argue that in a civilized society there would be a consensus to take care of the poorest and most vulnerable. If for no other moral or 'godly' reason, an innate one to help propagate the furtherance of our species.

If YOU made the baby, why should someone else raise it under ANY circumstance? I never made an argument where you or anyone else should be obligated to pay for an unwanted child. I simply pointed out the disconnect in the moral outrage over abortions and the lack of moral outrage for the welfare of the unwanted child post birth. This is where the moral high ground falls flat. Thus far, only @C-south seems to have put his money where his mouth is and has earned the right to lecture. I'm sure there are many, many more like him - but they are the vast, vast minority of anti-abortionists who are walking the walk.

That really is a catch 22 in that low income people create more babies than they can afford so we all end up paying for them regardless. So if you really want to start a firefight, why not start a mandatory sterilization program after abortion number 3? What?

Those people obviously have no self control nor means to support the humans that their hormones continually produce. LOL This should be good.
So would I.

I mean, "oppose social wefare programs" involves a vast network of programs. Do you really think there exists a significant group of people who oppose all help, including public health clinics, private charities, faith-based organizations, housing shelters, food banks, clothes closets, job training, etc.?

I know a lot of pro-life people, and I've never met a single person who "opposed social welfare systems," even some that are overseen by the federal government. In fact, nearly all have been part of the broad social welfare network to some extent from financially supporting to staffing to leadership positions or multiple roles. And I have seen the fruits of those labors in some instances.
Yes, I omitted 'government'. I'll do the edit.
That’s a broad and false idea though. I want truly needy people to get help they need to get out of their situations. Do I believe in pouring taxpayer money into KARM for example where a few people make millions of dollars while no one really gets that much help and they attract felons and sex offenders From other states who flock or get bus tickets to Knoxville for karm to use them once and toss them away? No. Does that make me “against social welfare services” of course not.
I'm glad you want to help the needy. I do hear a lot of other people bitching about food stamps and other government assistance programs. And most of them are strongly anti-abortion. I would like to see that Venn diagram.
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