Jacob Carter question



Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2005
Anyone have any insight on why Jacob is buried so deep on the depth chart? In the limited action he has had he seems to always get open and his hands are like glue.
Anyone have any insight on why Jacob is buried so deep on the depth chart? In the limited action he has had he seems to always get open and his hands are like glue.

I'm guessing it's because he's not as good as the guys ahead of him.
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I trust the coaches I really do. But I really believe Carter is a really good sure handed receiver. Im pulling for this kid best hands on the team
Maybe he is a gamer and not necessarily and practice player. Just from a physical standpoint he isn't really on the same level as our top guys, but when he has been in he sure seems to get open a lot.
There was another guy I remember from a few years ago. He wasn't a physical specimen and wasn't the fastest guy on the team, but he had hands like glue, was a great possession receiver and wasn't afraid to cut across the middle - Craig Faulkner. Perhaps Jacob is in good company.
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I'm guessing it's because he's not as good as the guys ahead of him.

Correct, the WR coach stated as much rather explicitly. But also noted that JC is a steady (i.e. reliable) player so would see the field. Primarily, he's asked to show the new guys the ropes.
Anyone have any insight on why Jacob is buried so deep on the depth chart? In the limited action he has had he seems to always get open and his hands are like glue.

This is the situation in which Austin Rogers & Zack Rogers were in. From a fan perspective, we see them as talented, but we don't see why they don't get more playing time....

I am sure there is a reason that the coachs have but that we are not privy to.
There was another guy I remember from a few years ago. He wasn't a physical specimen and wasn't the fastest guy on the team, but he had hands like glue, was a great possession receiver and wasn't afraid to cut across the middle - Craig Faulkner. Perhaps Jacob is in good company.

I only remember Faulkner for dropping a pass in Bama game. Anyone else remember the drop?
He is probably the one taking Devrin Young's place on punt returns and kickoffs because of his dependability in catching the ball, per the coaching staff.
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I trust the coaches I really do. But I really believe Carter is a really good sure handed receiver. Im pulling for this kid best hands on the team

He's got great hands, but to say that he has best hands on the team is ridiculous. Marquez North is light years ahead of Carter in terms of hands.

My guess is that while Carter may have great hands, his athletic ability in terms of route running, blocking, and getting his hands to poorly thrown passes is not as good as others. Last year he had success because (for the most part) Bray was accurate. Carter didn't have to adjust a lot. Just watching Saturday's game last weekend and all the off-target and poorly lead passes to the WRs tells me that there are other WRs on our team that can get to the ball better than the ball can get to them, and that may be why Carter isn't on the 2-deep.

JMO. :peace2:
He's got great hands, but to say that he has best hands on the team is ridiculous. Marquez North is light years ahead of Carter in terms of hands.My guess is that while Carter may have great hands, his athletic ability in terms of route running, blocking, and getting his hands to poorly thrown passes is not as good as others. Last year he had success because (for the most part) Bray was accurate. Carter didn't have to adjust a lot. Just watching Saturday's game last weekend and all the off-target and poorly lead passes to the WRs tells me that there are other WRs on our team that can get to the ball better than the ball can get to them, and that may be why Carter isn't on the 2-deep.

JMO. :peace2:

If we're talking about just best set of hands Josh Smith probably wins that don't he? Of course the other skills of North make him one of the go get it guys like you were mentioning more so than Smith.
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Josh Smith is better and has more upside as a WR. They will use Carter when and where they can, such as fielding punts. Next question.
I like the fact that even with him being "buried so deep" , he still got playing time ( as did so many other Receivers ). I personally like having one sure-handed "possession" receiver on the field in most situations even if they aren't considered a HR threat.
I think Smith seems to fit that mold as well.
He had a reception early in the game so he is definitely somewhere in the rotation. I would like to see him get more playing time too though.
I only remember Faulkner for dropping a pass in Bama game. Anyone else remember the drop?

I don't remember the drop pass by Faulkner back in the 90's but I do remember the drop wide open TD pass by D. Moore a couple of years ago....that one really hurt.
He is not a good player. He gets the Dane Bradshaw fan hype. I have been saying he is over hyped. People talk about how he makes great catches n gets open. He has never shown that. He had 8 catches n a couple years here.
In an interview recently is was stated that both Carter and Blanc were being held back because they were not being playmakers. Said they wanted playmakers at WR and those two were struggling a little bit because their athletic ability was limiting them from being playmakers. I dont have a link but it was part of a post practice interview recently.

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