Jacob Carter question

If we're talking about just best set of hands Josh Smith probably wins that don't he? Of course the other skills of North make him one of the go get it guys like you were mentioning more so than Smith.

Josh Smith is definitely a surprise this year
I'm guessing it's because he's not as good as the guys ahead of him.

Kinda like Welker/Edelman/Amendola.....they're not as good physically, have great hands, and find ways to get open. If the kid is a gamer, put him out there in the slot. I will take 5-10 yard completions all game long.
In an interview recently is was stated that both Carter and Blanc were being held back because they were not being playmakers. Said they wanted playmakers at WR and those two were struggling a little bit because their athletic ability was limiting them from being playmakers. I dont have a link but it was part of a post practice interview recently.

Good info that I hadn't heard. Thanks
He is not a good player. He gets the Dane Bradshaw fan hype. I have been saying he is over hyped. People talk about how he makes great catches n gets open. He has never shown that. He had 8 catches n a couple years here.

He is not a good player? He is getting to play d-1 football at the highest level and he is no good? Dane Bradshaw is no good? Dane Bradshaw went toe to toe with Noah who's a solid nba player but he's no good? Just because these guys are white doesn't mean they are not gifted athletes. It seems as if every nerd behind a computer screen believes they are as athletic as any white guy who plays college sports. Smdh.
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This is the situation in which Austin Rogers & Zack Rogers were in. From a fan perspective, we see them as talented, but we don't see why they don't get more playing time....

I am sure there is a reason that the coachs have but that we are not privy to.

Austin Rogers was fast, but couldn't catch a cold. I was pleasantly surprised with Zack Rogers.
I like the fact that even with him being "buried so deep" , he still got playing time ( as did so many other Receivers ). I personally like having one sure-handed "possession" receiver on the field in most situations even if they aren't considered a HR threat.
I think Smith seems to fit that mold as well.

Pretty sure I've read that Josh Smith is also one of our fastest WRs. Wouldn't rule him out as a HR threat.
Kinda like Welker/Edelman/Amendola.....they're not as good physically, have great hands, and find ways to get open. If the kid is a gamer, put him out there in the slot. I will take 5-10 yard completions all game long.

And what do those 3 players have in common.....
I feel the need to mention that Jason Croom made me want to kick over a bucket of light bulbs Saturday.
A hostess friend of mine said he's not too great in the sack.

I can't guarantee that that's the reason, but I can't not guarantee it, either.

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