My intent was clear, in both threads, to point out how y'all were acting like 13 year old girls at a Beiber concert over a gif following ANOTHER loss. It is the sunshine pumper mafia on here who made it about bashing Hurd specifically, despite me making numerous positive statements about him in this thread. If you holier than thou types would actually read instead of going along for the ride, you might be more informed.
It was about bashing Hurd. Play it down all you want. You woke up this morning with a stick up your butt, and decided to troll a post where someone was having a better time coping with a loss. The gif was funny, you were being a tool. Simple as that. Maybe your diaper needs to be checked, or you need to learn to cope with a loss. You may be tired of losing, but you need to understand, that we are not there yet. We're trying to purge 4 years of muck out of that program. Please dont drag, or try to drag, everyone into your pit of self pity and horrid attitude. I'm sure a shrink, pastor, or a certain ga fan from sports talk radio could help.