James Banks & Indiana State?

Originally posted by deaknasty74@Jan 26, 2005 8:42 PM
i heard that Banks was looking at UTC (Tennessee-Chattanooga)

UTC wouldn't take him...
your friend is an idiot if he drank bleach. you dont drink it, you mix it in with your urine after you have already pissed in the cup

if you really want that THC cleaned out of your system, drink about 8 oz of vinegar(nasty but works)
hmmm, how do you know all this?

sounds like someone has tried some of this before.
Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 26, 2005 9:22 PM
hmmm, how do you know all this?

sounds like someone has tried some of this before.

ive done research

luckily every job ive ever applied for only swab tests :cool:
Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 26, 2005 9:22 PM
hmmm, how do you know all this?

sounds like someone has tried some of this before.

he's not an idiot....its common sense, if you drink bleach you dont walk to court.....bleach kills toxins in the urine....maybe a few more years of life experiance will teach some things
i wasnt talking about the bleach, i was talking aout the drinking 8 pz of vineager
Poisonous Ingredient   

    * Sodium hypochlorite

Where Found   

    * Household bleaches
    * Other cleaning products


    * Respiratory
          o Breathing difficulty (from inhalation)
          o Throat swelling (which may also cause breathing difficulty)
    * Eyes, ears, nose, and throat
          o Severe pain in the throat
          o Severe pain or burning in the nose, eyes, ears, lips, or tongue
          o Loss of vision
    * Gastrointestinal
          o Severe abdominal pain
          o Vomiting
          o Burns of the esophagus (food pipe)
          o Vomiting blood
          o Blood in the stool
    * Heart and blood vessels
          o Hypotension (low blood pressure) develops rapidly
          o Collapse
    * Skin
          o Irritation
          o Burn
          o Necrosis (holes) in the skin or underlying tissues
    * Blood
          o Severe change in pH (too much or too little acid in the blood, which leads to damage in all of the body organs)

Home Treatment   

DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. If bleach is on the skin, wash with lots of water. If bleach is swallowed, give milk or water and seek emergency medical care immediately.

Before Calling Emergency   
Determine the following information:

    * The patient's age, weight, and condition
    * The name of the product (ingredients and strengths, if known)
    * The time it was swallowed
    * The amount swallowed

Poison Control, or a local emergency number   
See Poison Control centers for telephone numbers and addresses. Take the container with you to the emergency room.

What to expect at the emergency room   

Some or all of the following procedures may be performed:

    * For swallowed poison
          o Placement of a tube down the nose and into the stomach (a nasogastric tube, or an NG tube) to wash out the stomach
          o Activated charcoal administration
          o Endoscopy -- the placement of a camera down the throat to see the extent of burns to the esophagus and the stomach.
          o Give IV fluids
          o Admission to the hospital
          o Give an antidote
          o Treat the symptoms
    * For inhaled poisons
          o A breathing tube may need to be inserted
          o Oxygen
          o Admission to the hospital or to the intensive care unit
          o Bronchoscopy (inserting a camera down the throat into the airway to evaluate the extent of burns to the airway and lungs)
    * For skin exposure
          o Irrigation (washing of the skin), perhaps every few hours for several days
          o Skin debridement (surgical removal of burned skin)
          o Admission or transfer to a hospital that specializes in burn care

Expectations (prognosis)   

The prognosis (probable outcome) depends on how rapidly the alkali was diluted and neutralized. Extensive damage to the mouth, throat, eyes, lungs, esophagus, nose, and stomach are possible.

The ultimate outcome depends on the extent of this damage. Damage continues to occur to the esophagus and stomach for several weeks after the alkali was swallowed, and death may occur as long as a month later.
well now that yall have just went to all out of extents to try and rip me every way, i will get back on the subject. i hope banks gets another shot, he deserves it.
Banks is a very talented player without question. I wish he could have gotten his act together while he was here.
indeed vol freak. i just wish him the best of luck. hopefully he gets his wish to play football and maybe get into the nfl. i wish him the best of luck. he he goes there, he is going to tear up some defenses
i see dead people.

I can't believe people are actually standing up for James Banks.....he was allowed more than three strikes. Sure, he's young and young people make "mistakes" but his character is flawed......did you see his quote in the paper? He wasn't apologetic, he stated, " I really didn't think I would get caught". Great guy, he is....he'll wash up somewhere else, too....which is a shame because I really respect his father and what he's said about us and what he's tried to do for J. I wish him well but I don't see him "straightening up". Good luck JB, I hope you don't get caught again.....

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