Right, the police sat on the investigation, the athletic department knew of the allegations and JW never missed a game due to the allegations.
CBJ suspended two players over allegations. The situations were handled as differently and night and day.
Not sure CBJ would sit a player a whole year if KPD drug their feet that long. Maybe, but it'd be unheard of I think. It's easier to suspend a player a couple weeks in the off season.
Did TPD handle this poorly? Absolutely.
First, let me say I'm a huge women's rights believer. I see them equally, I employ them and, unlike the vast majority of U.S. managers, I pay them the equalivent of their male counter parts.
I firmly believe no means no.
I hate the rape culture in our world. That's one reason I hope that dumbass Lil Jon is never played in Neyland again. He glorifies rape and he could use his ass kicked.
Unfortunately the accuser was at a huge disadvantage from the get go.
First, she left the club with him. This makes cases much more difficult than someone being grabbed and left in an alley. Again, this is not consent, but is makes the case more difficult.
He has two people corroborate his story, she didn't. Could his buddies be lying? Sure. They could also be telling the truth.
She had DNA from another guy on her clothes from a sexual encounter earlier that day. This doesn't make her a whore by any means, but, right or wrong, these things get factored in.
She first identified her attacker a 5" 10" about six inches shorter than Winston. Possibly because she was intoxicated. She said she thought it was Winston about 6 weeks later IIRC.
TPD claims she stopped cooperating in February. Her attorney claims she didn't.
She sent word by her attorney a while back that her silence could be bought for 7 million.
I think the argument could be made that if TPD "sat" on this, it certainly did Winston more harm than good.