Jamont Gordon



Volnation's resident sunshine pumper
Jan 15, 2005
He has changed his offical visit from tennessee to MSU. Looks like he may not be comin here anymore.
That's not true 2345. He has just rescheduled that's all. Pearl asked Gordon to reschedule his visit to Knoxville because he's taking care of some college testing this weekend and it would cut into his visit.

He still plans on visiting Tennessee, just not this weekend.
thanks for clarifying that for me. the article I read made it sound like he wasn't coming at all. you know how them sports writers are.
well i am not to worried about it right now. If he can get a good season next year out of the players we got, the recruits will come.
true chuck, but hell.

his offense is much better that buzz's and smith wants to give up a season of his life for this.

i mean. is there something about pearl we are missing?

smells fishy to me.

or is smith a control egomaniac, and buzz promised him the world and control of the team?
I think your last line might have hit it right on the head.
Chill guys. There is always some fallout from a coaching change. Let Pearl do his thing, win some games, and I think we won't be so paranoid about recruits at this time next year.

At least I hope not. :twocents:
Originally posted by surrealvol@Apr 7, 2005 10:56 PM
Chill guys. There is always some fallout from a coaching change. Let Pearl do his thing, win some games, and I think we won't be so paranoid about recruits at this time next year.

At least I hope not. :twocents:

hey we are not questioning Pearl, we are questioning why in the world these guys wanted to play for buzz so bad. Did he promise them they wouldn't have to play defense or something?
Come on guys and gals. This same thing happens every time there is a coaching change. Nothing is different. Smith will not have to sit out a year and that is why he is testing the waters. All schools are letting kids out of their scholarship if and when there is a coaching change. Let's all just chill for a minute or two.
Anyone who thought Gordon was coming to UT has lost it. He may like UT but not enough to go against his mother who hates UT. On top of that his chances of getting into college is somewhere between 1 and 10 %
Its said that Jamont committed to MSU...He said that he found it pretty insulting that pearl didnt contact him on the first day talks were allowed until late that night because he was talkin with Smith and Wright.
Either Gordon is not too smart or he is being ill informed. Why anyone would want to play in starksville when they had the opportunity to play K-Town under one of the best coaches in America just doesn't make sense. If Gordon was miffed that he wasn't contacted quicker by Pearl I'm glad he he's not coming to TN. Those that think too highly of themeselves (The Future AKA Kelly Washington) can be a distraction. I think Pearl will assemble a team of those who are grateful for the opportunity and want to be at TN. They may not be superstars yet but as a wise old coach once said, "I can woop you with mine, or i can woop you with yorn" Coaching is going to make a difference at TN. Watch out SEC!
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Apr 11, 2005 7:44 AM
Either Gordon is not too smart or he is being ill informed. Why anyone would want to play in starksville when they had the opportunity to play K-Town under one of the best coaches in America just doesn't make sense. If Gordon was miffed that he wasn't contacted quicker by Pearl I'm glad he he's not coming to TN. Those that think too highly of themeselves (The Future AKA Kelly Washington) can be a distraction. I think Pearl will assemble a team of those who are grateful for the opportunity and want to be at TN. They may not be superstars yet but as a wise old coach once said, "I can woop you with mine, or i can woop you with yorn" Coaching is going to make a difference at TN. Watch out SEC!

He wanted to be on a team that is good now. Some players don't want to be part of a rebuilding process. Miss St. is gonna be amazing, their recruiting class consists of two 5 stars, and 2 four stars.
Rebuilding is exactly what MSU is doing, they lost three seniors. Now I can see Gordon wanting to be part of a nucleus of a rebuilding project at MSU but more than likely MSU put the spin on and TN just got burned at the end. I don't think Tennessee recruits realize the potential support and celebrity they can have by staying in thier home state because TN has never really had a star stay home that I can remember. I think Gordon has been misinformed that he does not fit in with Tennessee's plans and he has been snowed into passing up an opportunity of a lifetime playing for one of the nations best coaches and helping resurrect UT BB.
I'm not going to worry about Gordon too much. I think after this year, Pearl will be able to recruit a lot better.

Having said that, I will be PO'd if we don't get Smith....
MSU will be no better next year than they were this year. Gordon is going to MSU because that is where his mother told him to go period
On the other hand, I hate to lose Oak Hill talent. Who was the last player that we had from Oak Hill? Slay? I think that Pearl should start living there the next few years...
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@Apr 12, 2005 12:16 PM
On the other hand, I hate to lose Oak Hill talent. Who was the last player that we had from Oak Hill? Slay? I think that Pearl should start living there the next few years...

we could only hope
Bottom line is that his mother did not want him to come here and he was scared of the competition from Watson. , Lofton, and Smith.
do we have a new prospect?? Jack Jenkins? I was just looking on scout.com and saw his name and im pretty sure i havent seen him before. just wondering

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