January 6 Retribution Begins


Rep. Bennie Thompson has sued former President Donald Trump, alleging Trump incited the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. The lawsuit in Washington's federal court alleges the Republican former president conspired with members of far-right extremist groups to prevent the Senate from certifying the results of the presidential election he lost to Joe Biden

Democratic congressman SUES Donald Trump accusing him of inciting MAGA riot | Daily Mail Online
I was under the impression that crimes were investigated, prosecuted and tried in the criminal justice system - not civil courts.

They should be prosecuted first. This seems to be an exception to attorneys typically insisting that criminal prosecution go before the civil litigation. But it is not unusual for prosecutors to withhold prosecution, even when they think the subject is guilty. The fact is that individuals are liable in civil courts for criminal misconduct.
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Fresh off a humiliating repudiation by the US Senate, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has decided to double down in her quest to, Captain-Ahab-like, pursue President Trump to the ends of the earth to exact her vengeance.

Holding up the 9/11 Commission as though it were some kind of useful exercise simply relies upon most Americans’ ignorance about what went on during that travesty. The Commission had two clear missions. The first was to absolve the Clinton administration for all responsibility for the 9/11 attacks even though all the prep work and planning was accomplished under Clinton. The presence of Muslim students in flight schools who weren’t interested in learning to land was reported to the FBI under Clinton. The second was to saddle President Bush with 100% of the responsibility. The idiot President’s Daily Brief used to claim that Bush was dismissive of intelligence about the radical Islamic threat to the United States was the worst sort of ass-covering by the CIA and actually was nothing more substantial than saying, “watch out, some bad sh** might happen.”

Nancy Pelosi Pledges to Create a 9/11-Style Commission to Investigate the Capitol Riot and the GOP Goes Along
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“We have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation. And former presidents are not immune from being accountable by either one.” U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell

Rep. Bennie Thompson has sued former President Donald Trump, alleging Trump incited the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. The lawsuit in Washington's federal court alleges the Republican former president conspired with members of far-right extremist groups to prevent the Senate from certifying the results of the presidential election he lost to Joe Biden

Democratic congressman SUES Donald Trump accusing him of inciting MAGA riot | Daily Mail Online

Is he suing as a private citizen or as a congressman? If he is suing as a private citizen, does this open him up to a counter suit by ex President Trump?

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