Jefferey Epstein found dead in jail cell

I think what makes it a conspiracy is that plenty of people supposedly had motive, and lots of suspicious things happened. But focusing on his death will most likely provide few answers and mostly serves as a distraction from what should be investigated, which is the systematic abuse of underage girls.
I think many of you are ridiculously over estimating the state of our prison system. Guards falling asleep? Not surprising. Guards not actual guards? Has been an issue for years. The guards lawyering up? Of course they are. Cameras not working? Again par for the course. Should they have realized that this particular inmate should have more precautions? Sure. Which is why everyone has been fired. Am I suspect? Yes. Am I surprised we suck at this? No.

Everybody here repeating those facts as if it’s 100% proof ought to go spend a week as a corrections officer.

It’s **** pay and **** work. You get cussed at, spit on, pepper sprayed, assaulted, you see all kinds of effed up stuff. It’s not a fun job that attracts the best and the brightest.

It attracts people who want to be cops, who want authority over other people, or people without any other skills or options.

There’s enough to raise suspicions, but it’s far from conclusive.
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You act like you’re informed. It’s absolutely hilarious.

Most that follow Q admittedly don’t know exactly what’s happening, but are willing to pay attention and follow the news.

What happens to your “Q types are loons” narrative when the DOJ actually does their job and starts prosecuting these corrupt criminal bureaucrats?

It doesn't matter if they do their job. They would have to confirm a conspiracy to satisfy that crowd. Ironically, I would bet that if a conspiracy was found implicating Hillary, the Qs would then say that was just a smaller piece of a larger conspiracy involving the illuminati.
It doesn't matter if they do their job. They would have to confirm a conspiracy to satisfy that crowd. Ironically, I would bet that if a conspiracy was found implicating Hillary, the Qs would then say that was just a smaller piece of a larger conspiracy involving the illuminati.
It doesn't matter if they do their job. They would have to confirm a conspiracy to satisfy that crowd. Ironically, I would bet that if a conspiracy was found implicating Hillary, the Qs would then say that was just a smaller piece of a larger conspiracy involving the illuminati.
Racist Russians
Racist Russians Recession

Racist Russians
Racist Russians Recession


Sadly now it is "recession recession recession" repeat until it happens...

Their best shot at beating Trump is a recession and I guess they finally figured that out...or more likely a conservative figured it out and they bribed him into treason. Sims don't have the brainpower to figure things out on their own.Right on cue, every MSM channel screeches the gloom and doom of the pending drawback every hour, on the hour, until they get new "talking points" from the Dims. "Fair and balanced "
Funny that he posted that we wouldnt believe suicide if there was video...ha...there is absolutely NO plausible proof acceptable reason that there ISNT VIDEO of a prisoner that was THE MOST IMPORTANT federal prisoner in the state of NY...maybe the USA.

Oh...and both guards fell asleep for 3 hours at the same time...and 1 of them wasnt even a guard...and they both already lawyered up...and the prison warden has already been transferred...and the body has already been claimed by an "associate" of Epstein....and the bones broken in his neck only occur less than 10% of times in a know when people actually get hung and they free fall and come to an abrupt stop, this guy who is 6ft 3inches hung himself supposedly from a jail bunk bed that is less than 6 feet off the ground with a SHEET which had more surface area than a ROPE....

If you believe that ALL OF THOSE THINGS NATURALLY OCCURRED then you're either a partisan hack, a molester sympathizer, or a complete and utter moron. That simple.
This is el guapo in his cell. 24/7 camera coverage in mcc. This is 3 doors down purportedly from Epstein cell. Looks like real blankets.
And the camera footage is clear as day on homie but no camera images of the most important prisoner since Oswald. Who coincidentally didnt make it to trial either despite being in custody. They perp walked the guy where a civilian could walk right up and shoot the guy from 6 feet away....totally by accident. this ocean front property in Montana to sell all the Dums on this board....

Edit...and unless he had a pair of scissors or a very sharp knife...that he didnt...and cut the sheet into strips 8 feet long and braided them together into a rope...which he didnt....the best he could do is twist his sheet around and around itself into a pseudo rope...try that at home tonight...which is gonna be as big around as your wrist at best...much more surface area and less strength than a real rope. But it broke more than 1 bone, in fact several according to the autopsy, again including the one that only breaks in less than 10% of cases where people really get hung, but frequently breaks when someone is strangled. Pure coincidence. This whole thing stinks to high heaven... so much so that crooked crazy dems like AOC are demanding justice and the truth come out. Yall are so caught up in polls...I would like to see a poll of forensic pathologists and cops etc as to how many believe that all of the evidence and purported coincidences lead them to believe that this guy killed himself of his own free will. Yeah right. If you want your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
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Tartaglione has not yet been questioned about Epstein’s suicide, Barket said.

“Nick knows a heck of a lot about what went on,” the lawyer claimed to NBC. “He was there during the first attempt and he was there when he actually killed himself — he just wasn’t in the same cell.”

Tartaglione, 51, is awaiting trial on charges he murdered four men as part of a drug deal gone bad. He is accused of burying the bodies on his Otisville property.

“Whether or not he’ll be in a position to cooperate remains unclear,” Barket said. “But he certainly has information that would be very valuable to the investigation if they want access to it.”

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