Funny that he posted that we wouldnt believe suicide if there was video...ha...there is absolutely NO plausible proof acceptable reason that there ISNT VIDEO of a prisoner that was THE MOST IMPORTANT federal prisoner in the state of NY...maybe the USA.
Oh...and both guards fell asleep for 3 hours at the same time...and 1 of them wasnt even a guard...and they both already lawyered up...and the prison warden has already been transferred...and the body has already been claimed by an "associate" of Epstein....and the bones broken in his neck only occur less than 10% of times in a know when people actually get hung and they free fall and come to an abrupt stop, this guy who is 6ft 3inches hung himself supposedly from a jail bunk bed that is less than 6 feet off the ground with a SHEET which had more surface area than a ROPE....
If you believe that ALL OF THOSE THINGS NATURALLY OCCURRED then you're either a partisan hack, a molester sympathizer, or a complete and utter moron. That simple.