Sociologists have been studying the dropping crime rate for a couple of decades.
I studied it in grad school for two years.
The simple fact is crime rates are way down and the raw number of violent crimes are way down since the 90s.
Here is the FBI data.
It is the same. There has been a significant recent uptick during Covid, staring in 2020.
Federal Bureau of Investigations Crime Data Explorer
Go to filters, select New York state and then New York City for Agency Select
Scroll down to Summary Crime reported by the New York City Police Department 1990-2021
input from 1990 or whatever year you wish to 2021, then crime select all violent crime, or any crime listed, practically all of them trend down over time in almost all local agencies you can choose. An exception in some locales is rape and sexual assault rising because the crime is reported in more instances as the stigma is less than the past.View attachment 528687
Crime went down in New York because of 3 words..... Stop and frisk. Thank you Bernie and Rudy G.