Jerry Green to Indiana

(vol_freak @ Apr 18 said:
I just find it hard to believe that that group of players was much more talented than four 20 win seasons, 4 NCAA tourneys and a Sweet16. It was the winningest run in school history. I don't think they underperformed all that much. He had no NBA talent on that team, developed or not.

The team had 2 NBA players in Haislip and Yarborough, even though they didn't have great NBA careers. Victor has had a very good minor league career--he led the NBADL in scoring last year, and still has a shot at the league, and Slay has/had similar talent. Harris had NBA potential, if not the attitude to go with it, but actually may have gotten worse in his time at UT.

With that said, I have no complaint with the Sweet 16 year. The other three ended with disapointing bow-outs in the NCAA and SEC tourneys when they faced less talented, more disciplined teams like Northern Illinois and UNCC. Wasted opportunities, IMO.

(hatvol96 @ Apr 18 said:
Green is not a great guy. He's a first rate a$$.

I don't know the guy, although he came across as less than personable. I didn't like the way he left, but I'll leave the personality evaluation to somebody that has actually me him.
(cotton @ Apr 19 said:
The team had 2 NBA players in Haislip and Yarborough, even though they didn't have great NBA careers. Victor has had a very good minor league career--he led the NBADL in scoring last year, and still has a shot at the league, and Slay has/had similar talent. Harris had NBA potential, if not the attitude to go with it, but actually may have gotten worse in his time at UT.

With that said, I have no complaint with the Sweet 16 year. The other three ended with disapointing bow-outs in the NCAA and SEC tourneys when they faced less talented, more disciplined teams like Northern Illinois and UNCC. Wasted opportunities, IMO.
I don't know the guy, although he came across as less than personable. I didn't like the way he left, but I'll leave the personality evaluation to somebody that has actually me him.
Interacted with him numerous times. I stand by my assessment.
(hatvol96 @ Apr 18 said:
Green was a desperation hire made in an attempt to minimize the embarassment caused by the Kevin Stallings Kitchen Incident. He was convenient and Dickey had to hire a coach asap.

Kitchen incident?Elaborate please.
(utfantilidie @ Apr 19 said:
Kitchen incident?Elaborate please.
Doug Dickey was visiting Kevin Stallings at his home, ostensibly to finalize details of a contract that would have brought Stallings to UT. While seated in the Stallings kitchen, Dickey received a call from intermediaries speaking on behalf of Tim Floyd. Instead of politely declining to talk, Dickey proceeded to discuss the matter and asked to be excused. This infuriated Stallings for two reasons. One, Dickey had told him we was the choice. Further, anyone who was remotely plugged in knew that Tim was simply using UT as leverage. Stallings at that point decided UT didn't look near as inviting as it had earlier.
(hatvol96 @ Apr 19 said:
Doug Dickey was visiting Kevin Stallings at his home, ostensibly to finalize details of a contract that would have brought Stallings to UT. While seated in the Stallings kitchen, Dickey received a call from intermediaries speaking on behalf of Tim Floyd. Instead of politely declining to talk, Dickey proceeded to discuss the matter and asked to be excused. This infuriated Stallings for two reasons. One, Dickey had told him we was the choice. Further, anyone who was remotely plugged in knew that Tim was simply using UT as leverage. Stallings at that point decided UT didn't look near as inviting as it had earlier.

Tricky Dicky. By the way, were you on the Roosevelt Island tramway straddling the East River last night/early morning?I sent that picture to my wife who just came back from New York.What an ordeal that must have been!
(utfantilidie @ Apr 19 said:
Tricky Dicky. By the way, were you on the Roosevelt Island tramway straddling the East River last night/early morning?I sent that picture to my wife who just came back from New York.What an ordeal that must have been!
I'm actually in South Florida on business this week. I've always avoided using the trams. They just don't strike me as reliable or safe.
I have a friend here in Asheville who was formerly sports editor of the local paper when Green was coach at UNC-A'ville. He agrees with Hat re Green's personality.
I played against Yarbourgh in high school and he was every bit an NBA talent. I know how good he was going into his freshman year of college and how good he was when he left college. Guess what, it was the same! He did not get any better while playing for Green at UTK. Why? Because Green didn't push him. He didn't have the discipline to make demands from his players. Haislip and Harris are exactly the same case. They were not mature or dedicated enough to push themselves and they did not have a coach doing his job...pushing them! Do you honestly not remember what kind of athletic ability Haislip had? He is not too far below Amare in terms of his combination of height, length, agility, and jumping ability. So, yes I would certainly call that underperforming. There is no way that you think Yarbourgh, Haislip, Victor, and Harris played UP TO their God given potential. If those four had been pushed and a lot had been demanded of them then YES those four years UTK would have done more than just four 20 win seasons and one sweet 16 year. And, everyone of those players mentioned would most likely be playing some role in the NBA today.
(cotton @ Apr 19 said:
The team had 2 NBA players in Haislip and Yarborough, even though they didn't have great NBA careers. Victor has had a very good minor league career--he led the NBADL in scoring last year, and still has a shot at the league, and Slay has/had similar talent. Harris had NBA potential, if not the attitude to go with it, but actually may have gotten worse in his time at UT.

With that said, I have no complaint with the Sweet 16 year. The other three ended with disapointing bow-outs in the NCAA and SEC tourneys when they faced less talented, more disciplined teams like Northern Illinois and UNCC. Wasted opportunities, IMO.
I don't know the guy, although he came across as less than personable. I didn't like the way he left, but I'll leave the personality evaluation to somebody that has actually me him.
Yarboroughh and Haslip were on NBA rosters at one point. I don't think they had NBA "careers". NBADL? Come on.

Those guys had ok talent. If you want to argue that maybe a couple of years they had disappointing tournament runs, then I would probably agree with that. Then again, technically, so did Pearl in his first season. That doesn't mean the whole season was disappointing though.

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