Jesse Watters Primetime discussion thread...

How do you explain the long line of former Trump White House employees who have repeatedly warned what a menace he is and that he is incredibly selfish ?

It's not one or two. It's like a dozen such folks.
What does this have to do with Biden being a weak cognitively impaired octogenarian?
How do you explain the long line of former Trump White House employees who have repeatedly warned what a menace he is and that he is incredibly selfish ?

It's not one or two. It's like a dozen such folks.
No more selfish than a politician still in Washington that was elected in the early 90’s or before.
The issue is Biden's age. Despite his experience and steady hand dealing with international crises, Biden does not engender confidence given his age. A shame, especially when you consider what a debacle it would be to have Trump running things right now.
Biden has never engendered confidence. Uncle Joe has always been a political liability from his story’s, documented racist remarks to repeated plagiarism.
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Ha, ha: Comical post. So Twitter won the election for Biden? Not hardly. Also, there's a difference between free
speech and organized propaganda. Musk is just mad because he's run Twitter into the ground.
That’s correct, free speech was suppressed by taking information down that has now been proven as factual in regards to the Bidens . While MSM ran with Russian Collusion, Steele Dossier endorsed by the Clinton campaign for years, which would be propaganda.
Biden has never engendered confidence. Uncle Joe has always been a political liability from his story’s, documented racist remarks to repeated plagiarism.

Biden has run a very professional and successful administration. He conducts himself with dignity and respects people. His administration is full of very competent, well-qualified professionals as opposed to the transparent hacks and clowns in the gangster's administration. Mike Pompeo? Please. He was/is a freakin' joke. Betsy Devoss? On and on....The plagiarism incident was, what, 40 years ago.
Biden has run a very professional and successful administration. He conducts himself with dignity and respects people. His administration is full of very competent, well-qualified professionals as opposed to the transparent hacks and clowns in the gangster's administration. Mike Pompeo? Please. He was/is a freakin' joke. Betsy Devoss? On and on....The plagiarism incident was, what, 40 years ago.
His VP was given the title because she’s a woman of color. That’s not successful or very professional, that’s pandering. Which again, falls under polite racism because she wasn’t selected for her qualifications.
That’s correct, free speech was suppressed by taking information down that has now been proven as factual in regards to the Bidens . While MSM ran with Russian Collusion, Steele Dossier endorsed by the Clinton campaign for years, which would be propaganda.

the gangster has always had a (weak) boner for autocrats and, in particular, Putin. Do you deny that? Putin, last I checked, was America's longtime and foremost adversary. It's GENERALLY not a good idea to have a president who wants to sleep with the enemy.
The issue is Biden's age. Despite his experience and steady hand dealing with international crises, Biden does not engender confidence given his age. A shame, especially when you consider what a debacle it would be to have Trump running things right now.

You keep telling yourself that. It'll make you feel better along with pie.
these countries feel emboldened because we have a weak leader...other then throw money at Ukraine has Biden tried to broke a peace deal with Putin?? Has Biden been to Isreal to try an bring about peace with Palestine???; Last reported is that most leader won't even field a call from Biden.

After two years and continually embarrassing the Biden Administration including using it's own words against it from bureaucrats, China is now taking Biden's calls because they see him failing and they need him to stay in power.
the gangster has always had a (weak) boner for autocrats and, in particular, Putin. Do you deny that? Putin, last I checked, was America's longtime and foremost adversary. It's GENERALLY not a good idea to have a president who wants to sleep with the enemy.
And you say that a week after Biden met on US soil with Xi Jinping. It’s unfortunate you support communist China and socialism policies.
His VP was given the title because she’s a woman of color. That’s not successful or very professional, that’s pandering. Which again, falls under polite racism because she wasn’t selected for her qualifications.

Harris is the former attorney general of California and a former U.S. Senator. Those aren't qualifications? As qualified, if not more so, than Pence--and certainly smarter. The only thing that falls under the term "racism," Earl, is your comment.
Harris is the former attorney general of California and a former U.S. Senator. Those aren't qualifications? As qualified, if not more so, than Pence--and certainly smarter. The only thing that falls under the term "racism," Earl, is your comment.
That had an affair to move into power? Again, being a mistress isn’t a prerequisite for VP.
Kamala is awful. Difficult to find any concensus in America but she somehow does it.
And you say that a week after Biden met on US soil with Xi Jinping. It’s unfortunate you support communist China and socialism policies.

You're not very bright, are you? There is a big difference between meeting with the leaders of other countries to discuss issues of global importance and to try and initiate dialogue on issues of contention and throwing yourself at the feet of our enemy. The former is called diplomacy, the latter traitorism. If Biden had said to Xi, "You know, pal, I share your view on Taiwan--I think it belongs to mainland China--and if you want to invade Taiwan, the U.S. won't get in the way," well, then he'd have behaved much like the gangster behaves with Putin. But Biden would never do anything like that. Learn how to recognize distinctions, fella.
That had an affair to move into power? Again, being a mistress isn’t a prerequisite for VP.

She was qualified for the job---which put the lie to the racist poster's comment. Her personal life, especially in the past, has nothing to do with her qualifications. You're concerned about a rumored affair long ago but support the gangster? Your credibility just hit zero, ace.
You're not very bright, are you? There is a big difference between meeting with the leaders of other countries to discuss issues of global importance and to try and initiate dialogue on issues of contention and throwing yourself at the feet of our enemy. The former is called diplomacy, the latter traitorism. If Biden had said to Xi, "You know, pal, I share your view on Taiwan--I think it belongs to mainland China--and if you want to invade Taiwan, the U.S. won't get in the way," well, then he'd have behaved much like the gangster behaves with Putin. But Biden would never do anything like that. Learn how to recognize distinctions, fella.
Where did covid originate before we try to establish who’s bright and who’s not?
Just type in the origins before we proceed with our battle of the intelligence insults.
She was qualified for the job---which put the lie to the racist poster's comment. Her personal life, especially in the past, has nothing to do with her qualifications. You're concerned about a rumored affair long ago but support the gangster? Your credibility just hit zero, ace.
Which job…the one on her knees or the actual salary?

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