Jim crow dinner

To drag up an oldie but goodie... he could literally shoot someone in the face in Madison Avenue and nothing will happen to him.
Good analogy. You won't hear anyone on the left screaming for Hunter to be brought to justice. And what's even more funny, it's over their hot button issue of gun control. But it's Biden's son, so nothing will come of it. No cries for justice here.
I’m curious how people who cannot get an id file for taxes and in the event of a return cash their return check?
Reminds me of this:
I went to eat with some friends at a restaurant/bar. They had the audacity to ask me for my ID to get in. I was very mad and felt suppressed because i had to show my ID. I completely understand why people should not have to show ID.
Serious question:

At this restaurant, was it a crime to hand out glasses of water to customers who were waiting to be seated? I highly doubt it. Such a stupid law would seemingly serve as a deterrent to people patronizing the establishment, wouldn't it? I'm still waiting for an explanation for that new law in Georgia which makes any sense. It is now a crime in Georgia to hand out bottles of water to people waiting in line to vote. That is absurd government overreach.

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