Jim McElwain

Meh, I doubt that McElwain humped a shark, much less naked. That just on its face seems so implausible.

I do, however, think it highly likely that CBJ will find some other way to say something that makes all of VN cringe at least once more this year.

Don't you?

I eagerly await to see what opposing fan bases come up for when our band plays the Jaws theme this season.
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Meh, I doubt that McElwain humped a shark, much less naked. That just on its face seems so implausible.

I do, however, think it highly likely that CBJ will find some other way to say something that makes all of VN cringe at least once more this year.

Don't you?

Oh probably for sure but my point still stands. I said nakid shark humping denial. The dumb **** associated himself with the picture! Not too freaking smart!

When doing a web search I get as many if not more of him denying it! And he did that to himself.

And that is priceless. And is worth quite a few butchisms as far as I'm concerned 😂😂😂😂👍
Meh, I doubt that McElwain humped a shark, much less naked. That just on its face seems so implausible.

I do, however, think it highly likely that CBJ will find some other way to say something that makes all of VN cringe at least once more this year.

Don't you?

You doubt it because you don't want to believe it. Save the deflecting for the courtroom. It's the only place lawyers appear halfway intelligent.
Clay Travis wasted a considerable amount of time this morning on this story. Is there any update other than McElwain getting suspiciously defensive over denying it?

Looks like a guy effing off with some buddies deep sea fishing. Personally I wouldn't spoon a shark naked, but it seems like the intent is clearly a joke.
If this is what it takes for other fanbases to feel better about themselves, I guess I'm okay with it.

Admit it. If this was any other SEC coach or FSU/Miami (imagine Richt at that press conference) you'd be rolling.

The times we live in. A P5 head football coach has to go on record, in public and asked by the press no less, that he was not caught in a compromising photo with a shark.
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It is interesting how serious he was in this video. When the question was asked, I expected him to laugh and brush it off. It is the Jimmy John's CEO.

It is interesting how serious he was in this video. When the question was asked, I expected him to laugh and brush it off. It is the Jimmy John's CEO.


I agree. If it really isn't him I also thought he would laugh it off. But his seriousness makes me think it really might be him.
This is what happens when a current SEC coach has had one too many and believes he can surpass Mike Price's epic fail.
Coaches from other schools will probably use that photo for negative recruiting. I could totally see Kiffin doing that. "You want to play for someone that has sex with women, or someone that has sex with sharks?"
Him getting so uptight over it reminds me of in movies when the bully makes a bunch of homophobic remarks and picks on the gay character, and later you find out he's secretly gay.

Come on Jimmy....just admit you had a few too many that day and move on.

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