Jim Wallis

"Which returns us to Jim Wallis. In many respects he is, ironically enough, the mirror image of the late Jerry Falwell. Like Falwell, Wallis is drawn to power and attention like a moth to a flame on a dark summer night. Like the former founder of the Moral Majority, Wallis takes biblical principles and simplistically connects the dots to public policies he supports. He has, as the Reverend Falwell had, enormous confidence that he knows the mind of God on matters of politics. And Wallis says harsh and irresponsible things about those who hold views different than his. It is reasonable to say, I think, that there is little evidence of a spirit of grace and reconciliation in the words of Wallis."
Politics Daily
(I got my assistant to show me how...woohoo)
This is false character assassination of a dead man. Falwell used scripture to form his political views... and they were basically that gov't should leave people alone... that it was the job of the church and individuals to address social problems/needs in a free society. While Wallis is very "Christian" and generous with other people's money... Falwell walked the walk. His charities and education intitatives have spent more money and still carry on.

Notably, Falwell backed off when the "Moral Majority" movement. He didn't do it because of scandal or a lack of support. From the indications I'm aware of, he did it because it hurt the cause of Christ.

Wallis is NOT benign and he is NOT a friend of the poor. His idea of "economic justice" is that those who do well only do so because they are corrupt. Those who do poorly therefore must be victims of someone else. The truth of the matter is closer to the opposite of that. Most of the able bodied/minded poor are that way because they make poor ethical/moral choices.

We are in large measue the sum of our choices, worldview, and values.

Anyone who really wants to debate whether the NT supports the "social/economic justice" of those like Wallis and Wright or the sovereignty/responsibility of the individual advocated by those like Beck and Falwell... Do your Bible study and let me know.
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Also has alot to do with "Collective Salvation" of the US as a whole! Not the individuals Salvation.

In America we believe in the concept of 'all men are created equal.'

In the progressive world of multiculturism they claim all countries are created equal.

This just isn't so.


Back in the seventies some of the people in my church were all for getting involved in politics. (as a church group)

I advised strongly against it (collectively) saying; "when the church has descended to the plane of politics, the church has become corrupted and politics remains the same."

I do strongly advise that each and every citizen, according to his convictions be aware and involved in poltics, if for nothing else then the future for our grandchildren.

But I think along the lines of Jefferson; 'each man is a nation unto himself.'
Right! The greatest political concept ever proposed was affirmed by our founders: The sovereignty of the individual.

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