He says people can hide cash.
Then he says "House investigators say foreigners may have laundered up to $50 million into Biden family accounts, so where'd the money go?" Followed by a series of claims about Hunter Biden getting luxury gifts.
This is the kind of superficial, bogus logic masquerading as fact that Fox engages in routinely. Who are the House investigators saying this? Where do they get this $50 million figure? What is the proof anyone laundered the money into an account having anything to do with Joe Biden?
The answer is none. There is no proof of any of that. But what Watters does here, and as
I say it is the norm at Fox, is to loosely re-characterize something someone else has said, do nothing to verify any actual statement, don't identify who made it, swiftly pretend its fact, and pose a question of "where'd the money go?" as if the facts are just assumed.
As a former journalist turned attorney it is infuriating and the outrage I have for its dismal lack of foundation is matched only by my wonderment that so many people night in and night out fall for it, without taking even a second to go "hey wait, where is this coming from? what is this $50 million? Laundered? By whom and for what purpose?"
It does such a disservice to the country and to the viewers to dress up utter speculation as fact like this.