"Joe the Plumber"



Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2007
Mark it down, at least one of the major news outlets will interview this guy and see who he is going to vote for.
Is this guy related to the Joe Sixpack that LG knows so well?
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Ironically, Joe will get appearance fees for various shows which will put him squarely into the "those that can afford it" group. Yes, Joe's good fortune will be spread to others...
Btw, is it not obvious that "Joe the Plumber" is a McCain campaign plant? Both sides do it. Kudos to the GOP on this one.
Why did the Obama campaign show up at his neighborhood then?

He may be a plant but i don't see that in what he's said.

It may sound far-fetched but these types of things happen all the time. The guy lives in a "neighborhood" near where Obama is campaigning. Hamilton County, OH (ground zero) for presidential election. Guy walks over and starts spouting his talking points. Watch the original interview and tell me it doesn't look somewhat suspicious. Just sayin' it wouldn't surprise me.
plant or not, Joe exposed Obama as a socialist.

FAIL! Where's faildozer when you need him?

There is more socialism in the Republican ideals than there is in Obama's plan. Republican principles are founded on lies and deception.

Bottom line is:


Face that fact for a minute. America is going to speak on Election Day. And the overwhelming response will be for logic and reason over slander and desperation.
FAIL! Where's faildozer when you need him?

There is more socialism in the Republican ideals than there is in Obama's plan. Republican principles are founded on lies and deception.

Bottom line is:


Face that fact for a minute. America is going to speak on Election Day. And the overwhelming response will be for logic and reason over slander and desperation.
you need to go back to drawing cartoons, because you apparently know nothing of politics.

Who even says crap like republican principles are founded on lies and deception? We are a republic you know?

Why don't you just tell me those principles so I'll have an idea where the absurdity comes from and your brethren will get to see the silliness that is driving Obama's world.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
FAIL! Where's faildozer when you need him?

There is more socialism in the Republican ideals than there is in Obama's plan. Republican principles are founded on lies and deception.

Bottom line is:


Face that fact for a minute. America is going to speak on Election Day. And the overwhelming response will be for logic and reason over slander and desperation.

FAIL! Where's faildozer when you need him?

There is more socialism in the Republican ideals than there is in Obama's plan. Republican principles are founded on lies and deception.

Bottom line is:


Face that fact for a minute. America is going to speak on Election Day. And the overwhelming response will be for logic and reason over slander and desperation.

Your avatar states you are the master of crayons, Are they the "chubby" ones you find preschool?

Republican ideals are no more based on lies and deception than democrat ideals are. If you honestly believe your first two sentences I have little faith that you could make a decision based on anything less than emotion.

Obama may very well win but what does that mean? That we had little to choose from to begin with? If he and McCain are the best the country had to offer our future is very bleak!

Your last paragraph is a joke! Obama stands for logic and reason? You are guilty of drinking the kool aid, any logical person who looks at this election using logic and brain cells knows neither of these candidates can deliver on their promises, they are both trying to sell us the same old line, "vote for me and I will ______". It's all bull$hit!

The only difference I see between the two is with McCain you know what you are getting because he has a demonstrated record. Obama does not have this and has been all over the place, black liberation theology, questionable associations, questionable actions with those associations.
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FAIL! Where's faildozer when you need him?

There is more socialism in the Republican ideals than there is in Obama's plan. Republican principles are founded on lies and deception.

Bottom line is:


Face that fact for a minute. America is going to speak on Election Day. And the overwhelming response will be for logic and reason over slander and desperation.
Remind me when the Rep. party has talk about that UHC CRAPPPPP..Also, I don't recall a Rep. wanting me to GIVE my money to some schmuck that doesn't want to work..Im missing something here, please help me out with this!

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