"Joe the Plumber"

Joe the plumber will be on foxnews tomorrow, as well.

Apparently he used to be a trial lawyer, before buying the plumbing business.
Obama is clearly more of a Joe Isuzu type guy!
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Obama is clearly more of a Joe Isuzu type guy!
On the money.

"you can buy this Isuzu behind me....for $4 (he's lying)."

I used to hang with the son of the guy that came up with the line of commercials along with a few other very solid ones. Dude has a massive beach home on BelMar Beach in New Jersey.
Ben Smith's Blog: The Joe file - Politico.com

(via Politico) Looks like Joe Wurzelbacher's isn't even registered to vote. Shocking.

I didn't think that was possible, ACORN has registered everyone living and dead to vote in Ohio, Nevada, Illinois and several other battleground states. Surely he was registered, he may not have known it, but someone at ACORN got paid to put his name on the roll.
I still love the Sammy Davis Jr. line - Obama is the Candy Man plain and simple.

Who can take the country
Sprinkle it with change
Make everything fair when the wealth he rearranges
The Candy Man, the Candy man can
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I still love the Sammy Davis Jr. line - Obama is the Candy Man plain and simple.

Who can take the country
Sprinkle it with change
Make everything fair when the wealth he rearranges
The Candy Man, the Candy man can

I thought it was a good line, too. But it did give him away. No unengaged voter has throwaway one-liners that look like they were written by partisan pundits.
FAIL! Where's faildozer when you need him?

There is more socialism in the Republican ideals than there is in Obama's plan. Republican principles are founded on lies and deception.

Bottom line is:


Face that fact for a minute. America is going to speak on Election Day. And the overwhelming response will be for logic and reason over slander and desperation.

They've crucified you enought but....

On the money.

"you can buy this Isuzu behind me....for $4 (he's lying)."

I used to hang with the son of the guy that came up with the line of commercials along with a few other very solid ones. Dude has a massive beach home on BelMar Beach in New Jersey.

Those were classic!

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