Joe the President Telling It Like It IS

What has the left done that compares to storming the Capitol, screaming to hang the vice president, and driving Congress to hide from the toothless hillbillies and Hitler wannabes?

Billions in damage across the country in the summer of 2020 entered the room. And before you chime in, people on both sides saw a summer of riots, fire, destruction and loss of life. Jan 6th was a bad day but majority of Americans couldn’t tell you what they are mad about or what it was about.
They did billions in damage to communities they claim to care about in the summer of 2020. More violence. More death. More destruction. A guy killed a another guy in Portland for being right wing. That’s far worse than making some politicians poop themselves.
also if we are talking about hanging a VP, remember that pic of what’s her face with the trump head? Nah. Didn’t think so.

Not even close at all. But appreciate the try.
Billions in damage across the country in the summer of 2020 entered the room. And before you chime in, people on both sides saw a summer of riots, fire, destruction and loss of life. Jan 6th was a bad day but majority of Americans couldn’t tell you what they are mad about or what it was about.

What? Seriously, what the fick?

People know EXACTLY what that was about.
I see nothing convenient about it. On what channels did it dominate the news cycle for a month? I rarely goto trash. If you do, then that could explain our discrepancy.
All channels ran the story. You didn't see anything because you didn't watch any news. Just more evidence that uou are nothing more than s pathetic useless troll.
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Not based on the links posted on here
There was a study that came out a while back. I can’t find it right now but it came to the conclusion that moderates tend to have around a 60/40 split in favor of left wing news. Right wingers tended to have around a 60/40 split in favor of right wing news and leftists were like 95% left wing news.
Not even close at all. But appreciate the try.
You’re right. They aren’t close. The 2020 riots were FAR worse than some sad corrupt politicians. The people who lost their lives and their property were innocent. As a lefty litigator though I know you worship the cult of the state.
Low gator, how many trials have there been on insurrection charges?
I don't know what you have been watching, but you're describing the American Right more than anyone. The left has its hotheads, but they don't get a lot of coverage.

Of course you don't, but then you're a person claiming Biden is governing as a moderate and you're an "insurrection!!" subscriber despite the evidence: FBI confirms there was no insurrection on Jan. 6

Make your best argument; I'll make the time.
How is the right, specifically, 'fascist' - ?
Of course you don't, but then you're a person claiming Biden is governing as a moderate and you're an "insurrection!!" subscriber despite the evidence: FBI confirms there was no insurrection on Jan. 6

Make your best argument; I'll make the time.
How is the right, specifically, 'fascist' - ?

Fascists do not respect elections. They do use violence for political purposes. In case that does not ring a bell, think January 6, 2021. Ding. Ding. Ding.
Umm tried to assassinate Republican reps at a softball game and nearly succeeded on one, nearly destroyed Portland while trying to create a fake nation, three attempts at impeaching/indicting a sitting/former President on dubious at best evidence, and let’s be honest more than quite a few called for the elimination of Trump while President.

And let's not forget Democrats - Pelosi and Schumer particularly - and media mocking Trump for being moved by SS to a secure bunker due to the sustained violence at the White House on May 29, 2020 during three days of riots and Secret Service agents being attacked.
FLASHBACK: Trump Was Mocked As A ‘Coward’ For Going Into White House Bunker During DC Riots
Schumer at DNC: 'America, Donald Trump has quit on you'

Then, the WH lockdown due to leftist violence was funny, and the president was a "coward" for DOJ and SS moving him to a secure location. They decried the 'militarization' of capitol grounds with NG troops and fencing. Trump was called fascist and dictator, even some ex-generals joining in with Democrat politicians in the smear: Nancy Pelosi’s Capitol pawns: Devine

Yeah, the same clique who had the capitol looking like a military junta for most of six months. It's too bizarre to be fiction.
you guys understand when biden is talking about democracy under attacks, he's referring to the federal bureaucracy. he's referring to a bunch of fed employees who should have no power at all. Sadly, so many hacks on this board can't understand this.
Fascists do not respect elections. They do use violence for political purposes. In case that does not ring a bell, think January 6, 2021. Ding. Ding. Ding.

Think the entire trump presidency when the democrats claimed he was literally installed by the kremlin. Think every firey but mostly peaceful protest of 2020. Think Portland. If you think jan 6 was violent then you must think the stuff dems do is a genocidal level.

The dems are the ones weaponizing the media and More importantly than DOJ. Muh Jan 6 is such a weak BS thing.
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Fascists do not respect elections. They do use violence for political purposes. In case that does not ring a bell, think January 6, 2021. Ding. Ding. Ding.
I saw a ton of disrespect from your side when trump won. Can you reconcile that,
Think the entire trump presidency when the democrats claimed he was literally installed by the kremlin. Think every firey but mostly peaceful protest of 2020. Think Portland. If you think jan 6 was violent then you must think the stuff dems do is a genocidal level.

The dems are the ones weaponizing the media and More importantly than DOJ. Muh Jan 6 is such a weak BS thing.

When besides never did Democrats claim that Trump was literally installed by the Kremlin? You are making claims not supported by the record. It is no secret that the Kremlin supported Donald Trump's election. To this day, Russians speaking for the Kremlin admit that. They don't deny supporting Trump. Are you denying that they supported him? You want to convict Democrats of political violence because of riots that were not organized, sponsored, or supported by Democrats -- while denying that Trump did organize, sponsor, and support the riot against the U.S. Capitol for the purpose of stopping the counting of Electoral College votes by the Constitutionally mandated Joint Session of Congress, when everybody knows that he did do that. You speak as a servant of traitors and an apologist for treason.
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your dementia is getting bad. if you believe that the j6 protests are worse than the blm protests, you're just dumb or you have some mental illness

Let's talk about "dumb." Your implying that Democrats wanted BLM protests to morph into riots is dumb AF. Name one Democrat who supported that happening.
I saw it low on my news feed, with the type of alarmist right wing header which I incline to pass. My thinking was that if it were an important development, I'd see it again, but I didn't see it reported after that. Do I think that the continual salvoes of emotion stirring misinformation is a real problem? Yes. Do I approve or disapprove of the proposal you mentioned? I am not familiar with it and cannot say at this time.

oops 👀. I also bumped the whole thread for you to revisit . Man this VN search feature is sweet ! 😂
When besides never did Democrats claim that Trump was literally installed by the Kremlin? You are making claims not supported by the record. It is no secret that the Kremlin supported Donald Trump's election. To this day, Russians speaking for the Kremlin admit that. They don't deny supporting Trump. Are you denying that they supported him? You want to convict Democrats of political violence because of riots that were not organized, sponsored, or supported by Democrats -- while denying that Trump did organize, sponsor, and support the riot against the U.S. Capitol for the purpose of stopping the counting of Electoral College votes by the Constitutionally mandated Joint Session of Congress, when everybody knows that he did do that. You speak as a servant of traitors and an apologist for treason.
Man, you are so dumb. Are you purposely trolling? It sure seems like it. No one can be this unhinged, can they?
All channels ran the story. You didn't see anything because you didn't watch any news. Just more evidence that uou are nothing more than s pathetic useless troll.

Actually, I rarely watch news programs. I do scan news stories on the internet. Hey, since you're insulting me, I get to return the favor, and I call you late for lunch and hungry. Also, you put the u in ugly. You really look bad. And you stink. Why don't you take a bath?

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