John Ward



Senior Member
Feb 13, 2006
Just before he retired RT News interviewed him. He said that he was the Grand Marshall for a parade once; so he decided he was going to find some little ole lady in the crowd who looked as if she only comes down out of the mountains about once a year. He did see this type of lady in the crowd. He then made a point to give her eye contact to see what her reaction was, and when he did she yelled give em six!
(rockytopinalabam @ Jul 22 said:
Just before he retired RT News interviewed him. He said that he was the Grand Marshall for a parade once; so he decided he was going to find some little ole lady in the crowd who looked as if she only comes down out of the mountains about once a year. He did see this type of lady in the crowd. He then made a point to give her eye contact to see what her reaction was, and when he did she yelled give em six!

Go Vols!!
(rockytopinalabam @ Jul 22 said:
Just before he retired RT News interviewed him. He said that he was the Grand Marshall for a parade once; so he decided he was going to find some little ole lady in the crowd who looked as if she only comes down out of the mountains about once a year. He did see this type of lady in the crowd. He then made a point to give her eye contact to see what her reaction was, and when he did she yelled give em six!

I wonder what she would have said if that had been Bob Kesling? He's got a lot of work to do on his signature phrases.
(oklavol @ Jul 22 said:
I wonder what she would have said if that had been Bob Kesling?

She probably would have said "Sacked by Harys Parralson".
I've had the pleasure of talking to Mr. Ward on a number of occasions. He is as classy and gracious a man as you'll ever meet.
why couldnt he have been one of those guys you couldnt pay to retire? I miss his as soon listen to netwoek tv guys call the game as Kesling.
(hatvol96 @ Jul 22 said:
I've had the pleasure of talking to Mr. Ward on a number of occasions. He is as classy and gracious a man as you'll ever meet.

That's right on. He lived next door to my college roommate and I met him on a couple of occasions. Class act.
(hatvol96 @ Jul 23 said:
I've had the pleasure of talking to Mr. Ward on a number of occasions. He is as classy and gracious a man as you'll ever meet.

I hope that wasn't during litigation.
(oklavol @ Jul 22 said:
I hope that wasn't during litigation.
Actually, Ed Balloff, who used to drive Mr. Ward to most of the road basketball games, is a good friend of mine. I had the pleasure of accompanying him to lunch with Mr. Ward on a few occasions.
(hatvol96 @ Jul 22 said:
I've had the pleasure of talking to Mr. Ward on a number of occasions. He is as classy and gracious a man as you'll ever meet.

Hat, you're absolutely right. When I met him, I had a 1986 TN tag on the front of my car (GIVM6). I was driving around campus one day , and I saw John Ward walking between the frat houses and Gibbs. He walked right in front of me . He looked at it, and waved, and he pulled me over (he was walking), and he said, "Nice Tag." This happened about 1999. I thought I was soo cool to have a 1986 (they were blue and green back then) liscense plate that said GIVM6.
(dan4vols @ Jul 22 said:
why couldnt he have been one of those guys you couldnt pay to retire? I miss his as soon listen to netwoek tv guys call the game as Kesling.
why couldndt have the volnation loved him a lil more. Its ok is dan4..........noy owb...lio...or gavol right?
Not only do I miss "Give him Six" during football season, but who can forget when he'd say "bottoms" as a vol drained a shot on the basketball court.

I feel sorry for Bob Kessling because he had to follow the footsteps of such an unforgetable and remarkable announcer.
Saw in today's KNS (or maybe it was yesterday) that John Ward had a hole-in-one at Green Meadows this past week. Short article said there was no word on whether or not he exclaimed, "BOTTOM!" when the ball disappeared into the cup!
(DKG534 @ Jul 23 said:
Not only do I miss "Give him Six" during football season, but who can forget when he'd say "bottoms" as a vol drained a shot on the basketball court.

I feel sorry for Bob Kessling because he had to follow the footsteps of such an unforgetable and remarkable announcer.

There were some great announcers before John Ward, too, weren't there?
(Jasongivm6 @ Jul 23 said:
There were some great announcers before John Ward, too, weren't there?

Lindsay Nelson was one of the all time greats. I vaguely remember him from the early 80s doing games on TBS.
I went to school with a guy all my life that was named after JW. He is also John Ward. When the Vols' JW was retiring, our teachers would always ask him if he'd stick around a few more years. Oye.

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