Jonathan Crompton



Senior Member
Jan 22, 2005
Ok Guys I'm just curious of other Vols opinions out there. Am I the only one that isnt big on Crompton? I mean he didn't impress me during the H.S. game down in San Antonio. I have that feeling this kid isnt gonna pan out. Sure he'll beat out Jim Bob Cooter but how good will this kid be? He won't play till he's a Senior unless we redshirt him then he'll be a redshirt junior. Ainge has the reins until then. What are your guys opinions?
He will be fine. He trained with those guys in the Army game for one week. You cannot expect anything from that.
I wouldn't judge him from that Army game. There were too many things working against him. Have you seen his stats from highschool? Crompton has talent and he is coming to Tennessee. I think a year with the Vols and he could be great.
I'm undecided TNFan. He didn't impress me either, however he only had a week with those other guys. I suspect he will have to consider the whole starting factor.
He'll be fine.....There is talk of him not red shirting and maybe even possibly starting this year but I doubt it....Ainge will be there and be our starter as long as he is with UT but Crompton like Miloh said had only practiced with those kids for a week so you can't really expect him to come out and be a world beater with him only practicing with those men for a week...He'll be fine when he gets to UT
i say redshirt him, let him learn the offense, and when he is a redshirt sophmore an ainge leaves we will have him ready to roll.
i cna't see how they'd start him next season...not with the others ahead of him...he'd be best to redshirt
but crompton is just so good. cant wait to get him in.
You'd have to either have no other option or no common sense not to redshirt an incoming QB in this situation. I know Ainge and Schaeffer didn't redshirt this last year, but it was because our best option was CJ Leak.
if i were coaching, i'd redshirt him, of course i'm not coaching...what size is crompton anyway..he looked huge in the game
6-3, 211

At least he doesn't need to gain any weight. Ainge could stand to put on maybe 10 pounds or so.
Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 22, 2005 10:23 PM
i say redshirt him, let him learn the offense, and when he is a redshirt sophmore an ainge leaves we will have him ready to roll.

I believe Ainge will stay all four years ;) I hope so anyways....I bet Shaffer isn't though...but either way I would say Ainge stays all four years...Unless next year and the year after that he just comes out and kicks total butt
Schaeffer will need to show tremendous improvement in his ability to read defenses, throw the ball and at least wait for a hole to open before he runs.

He looked promising at the beginning of the season but he is well behind the curve now.
Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 22, 2005 10:23 PM
i say redshirt him, let him learn the offense, and when he is a redshirt sophmore an ainge leaves we will have him ready to roll.

i say redshirt him too, i'd be more hesitant about it if shaeffer transfered but clausen proved himself against a&m

Is brent gonna transfer you think?
more than likely. i want to know who he would go to. proably nc state.
Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 22, 2005 11:06 PM
more than likely. i want to know who he would go to. proably nc state.

isn't he from Florida? i love brent.. that first TD run he had.. when he faked out about the whole other team, as of then i was comPLETELY excited about the season. i hope he'll stay

Could he play anywhere else?
Could he play anywhere else? yes, he could very well start somewhere but not at UT...He's not UT's style of QB....At least IMO he's not the typical QB that UT has had
He didn't impress anyone in the Amry game. But there was a topic about this. You cannot judge a player basked on about 6 plays, playing with people he's never played with before. He threw only 2 passes. Don't worry, he'll come around. Once he gets use to the tougher competition he'll do fine.

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