Jonathan Crompton

mean he didn't impress me during the H.S. game down in San Antonio.

Thank God our recruiting co-ordinators and coaches can evaluate talent. If it was left up to some of you, we'd obviously have crap for a team. How the heck could Crompton impress or not impress you? He took 10 freaking snaps the entire game. Are you expecting him to walk on water? Gosh, it amazes me at the arrogance of some.
:cool: crompton will be fine redshirt or no redshirt shafer will trasfer and we will have 3 good quarterbacks.


  • hallsack.jpg
    28 KB · Views: 2
lol arrogance? All I said was he didn't impress me during the game....i just wanted an opinion from everyone lol but i still love ya at least your rooting for the right team....I dont base everything off the game either i just have that gut feeling he'll be a kid that may not pan out :bash: :dunno:
Originally posted by TNFanBornandRaised@Jan 23, 2005 1:35 PM
i just have that gut feeling he'll be a kid that may not pan out :bash: :dunno:

Gut feeling based on what? Not saying that you're right or wrong, but he's got size, arm strength, mobility and every recruiting service has him as one of the top 5 QBs. On top of that, he seems to be coming from a good family and is friends with Heath Shuler.

What's making your gut feel bad?
and his stats too. boy his stats in highschool are just unbeliveable.
Just got that feeling....hey he could pan out and be an all american who knows......we have troop to make tough decisions on recruits :good:
That's really the bottom line - It'll be 3 years before we can even answer the question of whether anybody is a good recruit or a bust. Just have to trust the coaches to bring in the right guys.
Crompton is the real deal guys. Don't let that All-Star Game fool you. He has everything you want out of a QB. He has great leadership skills, good vision, strong arm, good mobility, and is a very hard worker. He WILL be a stud. He was considered to be the most impressive QB on the East squad the entire week of practice by practically every "expert" in San Antonio. Did he have good game? No. Nobody did for the east offense. This guy is legit and I would bet a lot of money he becomes a heck of a QB for Tennessee. I have no doubts in my mind as to what kind of QB he will be. Please, don't let a few throws in an All-Star game dismiss him as a QB. :beer:
Well if makes you all feel any better...I was listening to Vol Calls one night and some guy called in and they were talking about Crompton and the man said he watched Crompton stand FLAT FOOTED and throw the ball 60 yards...That's pretty dang impressive if you ask me...The man only played with those kids for a week you can't judge him on that


  • parysbamagame.jpg
    57.2 KB · Views: 3
I'd agree Lexvol the Wes coaching staff seemed a bit better, tried some different things...I think the East played a little to conservative in what I saw of the game.
i heard a scout say they saw johnathan crompton throw 60 yrds from his knee. from his KNEE.
are you saying that in a bad way or a good way? wait what am i thinking were talking about heath here of course it is a good thing ;)
i meant didn't they say shuler could throw it the same distance on one knee...and no its not a bad thing...its when you talk about shuler in the pros that things get bad--i saw him in RKF and it was like watching a different person play a lot of the times
i dont remeber anything about shuler. ive been a vols fan for 12 years and its been great for me. all i know is that scouts are saying crompton is the best vols qb recruit ever. now i dont know all about that but ive heard nothing but good about him.
from what i've seen of Crompton in the papers, he should be awesome...I hope he does well. Shuler had a way of turning something into nothing some times. I really remember him running well
yep, he will do well and there will always be people that talk bad about him but thas all good


  • travis_.jpg
    26.2 KB · Views: 0
JC will know alot about Tennessee's offense before he get's here. JC and Shuler have been incontact for awhile. JC has worked summers on Heath's farm.

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