Jordan Peterson



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Nov 6, 2010

This guy's solution to the problem of psychotic virgin losers killing people is to force women to marry them, but we're supposed to take him seriously as an academic.
Good reads from masochists who have actually slogged through his brand of bull****

Jordan Peterson’s popularity is the sign of a deeply impoverished political and intellectual landscape…

...It is no exaggeration to say that we are in the midst of a similar intellectual and moral breakdown, one that seems to presage a great calamity. Peterson calls it, correctly, “psychological and social dissolution.” But he is a disturbing symptom of the malaise to which he promises a cure.

The Intellectual We Deserve | Current Affairs
I have no idea why people slobber all over this guy.

You may think he is overrated as a public intellectual figure, but you have to admit that his "controversial" views as portrayed by main stream media are only controversial because they take everything he says and intentionally misinterpret it in order to create a strawman to attack. If you actually listen to the guy for any period of time, you'll find that there isn't anything blindingly controversial about hardly anything he says. I get that he may be overrated, but I really can't relate to people who hate the guy.
You may think he is overrated as a public intellectual figure, but you have to admit that his "controversial" views as portrayed by main stream media are only controversial because they take everything he says and intentionally misinterpret it in order to create a strawman to attack. If you actually listen to the guy for any period of time, you'll find that there isn't anything blindingly controversial about hardly anything he says. I get that he may be overrated, but I really can't relate to people who hate the guy.

That's sort of what he does when he comes up with his schtick. He takes studies and cherry picks statistics, or takes them out of context, to support whatever crazy notion he's asserted. His conclusions often seem to be the exact opposite of his source material.
You may think he is overrated as a public intellectual figure, but you have to admit that his "controversial" views as portrayed by main stream media are only controversial because they take everything he says and intentionally misinterpret it in order to create a strawman to attack. If you actually listen to the guy for any period of time, you'll find that there isn't anything blindingly controversial about hardly anything he says. I get that he may be overrated, but I really can't relate to people who hate the guy.

I have no idea what the MSM says about him.

What have you learned from him?
I have no idea what the MSM says about him.

What have you learned from him?

Learned from him? Really not much. Most of what he teaches is the same type of "wisdom", for lack of a better term, that you probably already heard from your Dad or Grandfather. I guess there's value in hearing those things from him if you're a person who didn't have a father figure growing up.

Additionally, I guess I've learned a little about Marxism and post modernism as well as hierarchical structures.
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I have no idea what the MSM says about him.

What have you learned from him?

As for what the main stream media has to say about him, just scroll through your Google News feed. There will probably be multiple articles warning of the dangers of listening to such a radical ideologue as Jordan Peterson. NBC aired a special as well where they took a 2.5 hour interview and spliced it all together to make it sound like he was saying the opposite of what he was actually saying. Eventually NBC posted the unedited version and got skewered by viewers for their dishonesty. I think Vice did the exact same thing. He's the least controversial person I can recall who has gotten so much flack for being a controversial boogeyman. I simply can't understand their hatred for the guy. It's not like he's Milo Yiannopoulos or Alex Jones. He's just a guy who likes to think and express his ideas.
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He sounds like a real loser sexist 💩bag.

The way to get a monogamous woman is to be a better man. Maybe these losers should improve themselves or get realistic about the types of women they can get. Lmao
He sounds like a real loser sexist 💩bag.

The way to get a monogamous woman is to be a better man. Maybe these losers should improve themselves or get realistic about the types of women they can get. Lmao

He's not a sh*t bag or a sexist. You read one paragraph of someone's interpretation of an idea he expressed. Enforced monogamy has a definition. That definition does not include chaining a woman to the radiator and forcing her to love you. You're falling for the boogeyman portrait that has been painted for you by someone else. If you are interested in what his actual thoughts are, his youtube channel has hundreds of hours of content. You won't find a controversial sexist sh*t bag if you spend just ten minutes listening to the guy.
As for what the main stream media has to say about him, just scroll through your Google News feed. There will probably be multiple articles warning of the dangers of listening to such a radical ideologue as Jordan Peterson. NBC aired a special as well where they took a 2.5 hour interview and spliced it all together to make it sound like he was saying the opposite of what he was actually saying. Eventually NBC posted the unedited version and got skewered by viewers for their dishonesty. I think Vice did the exact same thing. He's the least controversial person I can recall who has gotten so much flack for being a controversial boogeyman. I simply can't understand their hatred for the guy. It's not like he's Milo Yiannopoulos or Alex Jones. He's just a guy who likes to think and express his ideas.

IDK what the MSM says about him because I don't care.

I am interested in what people learn from him, because I am having trouble understanding what he offers. People talk about how profound and smart he is, but I can never get a straight answer about what makes him so great.
IDK what the MSM says about him because I don't care.

I am interested in what people learn from him, because I am having trouble understanding what he offers. People talk about how profound and smart he is, but I can never get a straight answer about what makes him so great.
You know what the MSM says about your paternal parents? That they both have feminine tendencies and your steps swap roles but, being a middle guy, you’re ok with it or in the very least don’t care. Throw your hands up!
You may think he is overrated as a public intellectual figure, but you have to admit that his "controversial" views as portrayed by main stream media are only controversial because they take everything he says and intentionally misinterpret it in order to create a strawman to attack. If you actually listen to the guy for any period of time, you'll find that there isn't anything blindingly controversial about hardly anything he says. I get that he may be overrated, but I really can't relate to people who hate the guy.
That's because he uses logic and logic scares the left. It hurts their wittle brains. He 1000x smarter than these libtards put together.
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As for what the main stream media has to say about him, just scroll through your Google News feed. There will probably be multiple articles warning of the dangers of listening to such a radical ideologue as Jordan Peterson. NBC aired a special as well where they took a 2.5 hour interview and spliced it all together to make it sound like he was saying the opposite of what he was actually saying. Eventually NBC posted the unedited version and got skewered by viewers for their dishonesty. I think Vice did the exact same thing. He's the least controversial person I can recall who has gotten so much flack for being a controversial boogeyman. I simply can't understand their hatred for the guy. It's not like he's Milo Yiannopoulos or Alex Jones. He's just a guy who likes to think and express his ideas.
I with you man. I've listened to several unedited Peterson debates and discussions. I can understand why so many from the left are squirming. He is a intellectual's intellectual, but that isn't always a good thing. His says some **** where I'm like "what?" but it challenges me and feel compelled to dig deeper.
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You may think he is overrated as a public intellectual figure, but you have to admit that his "controversial" views as portrayed by main stream media are only controversial because they take everything he says and intentionally misinterpret it in order to create a strawman to attack. If you actually listen to the guy for any period of time, you'll find that there isn't anything blindingly controversial about hardly anything he says. I get that he may be overrated, but I really can't relate to people who hate the guy.

I don't really know much about the guy but did hear him as a guest on a podcast and, as least in that segment, didn't hear anything earth shattering. He did discuss how frustrating it was at how often his views were misconstrued. Here's a write up of one example.

Why Can't People Hear What Jordan Peterson Is Actually Saying?

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