Josh Dobbs Wins NFC Player of the Week Award!

One of the coolest and most rewarding things of my Vol fandom (35 plus years of it, and I’d imagine other college fans relate ) has been stories like this. These guys come in as kids, you see them grow and overcome things in college. You feel like you know them (and sometimes you may actually know them) and are invested in their success. You know who guys like this are and what they bring to a team, and you feel a certain way. It was cool and almost emotional seeing Dobbs have that moment Sunday, as so many of us felt he could capitalize on a real shot with a team with some protection and weapons. It’s probably the most excited I’ve been in a while watching the NFL. I felt this also seeing Berry come back from cancer, Trey Smith win a ring after what he overcame, Manning gets his rings, etc.
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I’ll be honest, to begin this season I didn’t know which team I was going to be pulling for, the first time since 1999. I was a Titans fan previously, but their demonstration of commitment to continually strive for mediocrity led me to no longer being a fan of theirs. Most of this season I’ve just watch whichever games gave me an opportunity to see former Vols. I’ve tried to follow how Dobbs was doing all year while he was starting in AZ, even stayed up to watch the game he played against Dallas (which I rarely do since I have to wake up early the next day). I tuned in on Sunday not expecting to see him play for the Vikings but to see how some of his new teammates looked, in the event he got to play in the future. Wow!! He had a game!! However, what impressed me the most was the Vikings coach. How he handled the game, how he helped a player that had been there for 4 days, how his team responded and stepped up to help the new guy out however they could (Cam Akers amazing block on one of Dobbs scrambles… not many backs would have done that against a huge D-Lineman) they played like a complete team, no egos, just a desire to win and do what it took to help everyone around them succeed. I believe I have found my new NFL! Does having Dobbs help, absolutely! However, the coach is why I am now a Vikings fan, to hear him talk he sounds a lot like Heupel, using words like family, love, etc. He’s about his players and helping them be as successful as possible. I believe they will be quite successful. Skol Vikings!
I am a devoted Packer fan however, gotta support the bald man in purple taking the snaps.

Anyone know if he is the starter this week against the Ain'ts...???

Proud to call you a Vol For Life young man! Congrats.
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I am a devoted Packer fan however, gotta support the bald man in purple taking the snaps.

Anyone know if he is the starter this week against the Ain'ts...???

Proud to call you a Vol For Life young man! Congrats.
Yes, he is starting this week.
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I pulled him in on my sub QB for fantasy football this week. Homer call, but what the heck.
I've had Dobbs starting in my 2nd qb slot all season (except last week - I benched him because he wasn't starting.....and then he ended up with 24 points)
I had the first pick in the draft and took Mahomes. Dobbs has gotten more points than him at least three times so far.
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Josh Dobbs is as classy as anyone who ever wore the orange. I don't watch the NFL, but every time He gets traded to another team, I hope it's where he finally gets the real opportunity to win the job. I hope the pressure of having to prove himself everywhere he goes doesn't hurt his performance. Would love to know he is the starter until he decides to retire and become an astronaut or engineer, or whatever he wants to pursue.
Dobbs is making a name as the cleanup man lol... lose your QB bring in Dobbs. He should do that just get air dropped into the stadium anytime they lose their starter.
In order to just "drop in" like he does, you must at least have a grasp of the team's offense, the way they call plays, etc.. you get the picture. Now to be able to do this, you must be SMART, as Josh is.
Needs to clean up his turnover issues, but I'm sure the Vikings coaches will work on that with him. A lot of it is probably because he's not used to even actually playing for most of his career so bad habits have emerged that were never coached out of him.
In order to just "drop in" like he does, you must at least have a grasp of the team's offense, the way they call plays, etc.. you get the picture. Now to be able to do this, you must be SMART, as Josh is.
Actually, he had never taken a snap in their offense and had literally just reported. If you watch the first 2 series they ran it was quite obvious. First series 3 plays TFL, incompletion sack for safety. Second series 4 plays TFL, short run, defensive PI, sack/fumble.

After the first 2 series, it looked grim. But, lucky for Min ATL was only able to turn that into 8 points and Dobbs went on a rampage after that though he did lose another fumble in the 3rd Quarter. Dobbs is unquestionably insanely smart. But, there are lots of QB's as smart as him who never get to see the field. Dobb's has a kind of intangible talent kinda like Tebow but with a much much better arm and brain. He just has IT. He's got that dog in him but at the same time is laid back and calm and touch as they come. The perfect mentality IMO for a QB.

To be clear that the first fumble was a great play by the defense.. I am pretty sure any QB in that situation would have fumbled. But that is one pattern that Dobbs has, putting the ball on the ground. This season in 11 fumbles 6 lost. now 6/4 of those happened in 2 games and were both his debut games. In the other 7 games between he only lost 2 fumbles of 5 so thats more normal. First game jitters? Last year in 2 games 4 fumbles 2 lost. Just interesting stats to me.

I am 102% team Doobs and hope the best for him. Hopefully, he paves a road because think about it outside of Payton and George Cafego that's all the good news we have had from a UT QB like ever. Maybe he and Hendon and Joe can start a streak.
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Wished Josh would have gone to a team that needed a QB instead of Pittsburg where he never really was offered a chance behind Big Ben. It's great seeing him showcase his talents on a team like the Vikings. That win Sunday was one of the best NFL games I've seen this year. He also was key in beating Dallas earlier that was almost as heroic as Sunday's game.
Getting picked by Pittsburgh was one of the worst teams he could have ended up at. Pittsburgh wanted him to change to their style and competently mismanaged his talents.
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Congrats to Josh Dobbs! One of the most underappreciated players in this era of Tennessee football. The guy single handedly kept Butch employed for an extra few years.
I agree that he kept Butch afloat, but no way was he underappreciated. Vol favorite
If you want a better understanding of what Dobbs just accomplished, check out this video where he goes deep into the timeline of it all.
There’s some funny stuff from Trey about going to play in Germany as well.

Thanks for this. Great video
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Lots if negativity toward Josh on this board at the time.
The one thing Josh could do that no other QB in UT history was taking off and runnning down the field for huge gains. Yes, Holloway was in another league as a SCRAMBLER, but once Dobbs took off he was making one or two cuts and zooming downfield. He passed well enough....knew the proper complement his running skills. Great college QB. Should have been given a permanent backup role in Pitt, with the intention of taking over the position when Rothliesberger retired. Spilt milk now

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