Just for all the people asking about him coming early. Here's the requirements he has to meet: Nonqualifier. Eligibility for Financial Aid, Practice and Competition. A transfer student from a two-year college who was a nonqualifier (per Bylaw is eligible for institutional financial aid, practice and competition during the first academic year of residence only if the student: (Revised: 8/2/12 effective 8/1/16 for students initially enrolling full time in a collegiate institution on or after 8/1/16)
(a) Has graduated from the two-year college;
(b) Has completed satisfactorily a minimum of 48 semester or 72 quarter hours of transferable-degree credit acceptable toward any baccalaureate degree program at the certifying institution, including six-semester or eight-quarter hours of transferable English credit, three semester or four quarter hours of transferable math credit and three semester or four quarter hours of transferable natural/physical science credit;
(c) Has attended a two-year college as a full-time student for at least three semesters or four quarters (excluding summer terms); and
(d) Has achieved a cumulative grade-point average of 2.500 (see Bylaw Note: He can receive financial aid and practice but not compete with a 2.0 Use of Hours Earned During Summer Terms. Not more than a total of 18 semester or 27 quarter hours of the transferable-degree credit may be earned during summer terms, and not more than nine semester or 13.5 quarter hours of the transferable-degree credit may be earned during the summer term(s) immediately prior to the academic year in which the transfer occurs (including a midyear transfer). (Adopted: 1/9/96 effective 8/1/97, Revised: 10/4/17) Three-Semester/Four-Quarter Attendance Requirement. A student-athlete is not permitted to satisfy the three-semester/four-quarter attendance requirement during one academic year. (Adopted: 6/8/99)