Judge Michelle Odinet resigns over N-word used in home video



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Sep 18, 2013
In case you haven't been following this, Judge Michelle Odinet, from the City Court of Lafayette, Louisiana, resigned yesterday following public outcry over a home video which has surfaced on social media and YouTube, which purports to be of her and her immediate family members using the racial slur "ni**er", while watching security video of a black man being apprehended during a burglary attempt of their home. It is not publicly known how the video made its way to the internet.

Michelle Odinet has confirmed through her attorney, that the female voice heard speaking from the :10 to :14 second mark in the video below is hers.

This link below concerns her resignation from yesterday.

Lafayette judge resigns after racial slurs caught on video | wwltv.com

It does make you wonder how many judges, cops and elected public officials around the country are also guilty of being this two-faced... but just aren't stupid enough to record themselves in the act of showing their true colors.
In case you haven't been following this, Judge Michelle Odinet, from the City Court of Lafayette, Louisiana, resigned yesterday following public outcry over a home video which has surfaced on social media and YouTube, which purports to be of her and her immediate family members using the racial slur "ni**er", while watching security video of a black man being apprehended during a burglary attempt of their home. It is not publicly known how the video made its way to the internet.

Michelle Odinet has confirmed through her attorney, that the female voice heard speaking from the :10 to :14 second mark in the video below is hers.

This link below concerns her resignation from yesterday.

Lafayette judge resigns after racial slurs caught on video | wwltv.com

It does make you wonder how many judges, cops and elected public officials around the country are also guilty of being this two-faced... but just aren't stupid enough to record themselves in the act of showing their true colors.

Pretty sure Joe Biden has used that word, even caught on camera doing it. Very dumb for this woman to do it too.

I don't like that word, no matter where it comes from, and in any form. Very ugly and stupid. Nearly all modern rap music uses it often, and besides just not liking that style of so-called "music" I find the lyrics to contain far too much vulgarity and sometimes these "artists" drop the "N" word every other line and degrade women at a ridiculous rate. Not saying they should be cancelled, I just don't personally like it.
Pretty sure Joe Biden has used that word, even caught on camera doing it. Very dumb for this woman to do it too.

I don't like that word, no matter where it comes from, and in any form. Very ugly and stupid. Nearly all modern rap music uses it often, and besides just not liking that style of so-called "music" I find the lyrics to contain far too much vulgarity and sometimes these "artists" drop the "N" word every other line and degrade women at a ridiculous rate. Not saying they should be cancelled, I just don't personally like it.
No, he did not. At least not in the context you are referring to. He was reading and quoting what someone else said.

Joe Biden was quoting racist comments when he used the N-word in 1985 | AP News
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I’m willing to bet most judges aren’t good people. Keep in mind they are both lawyers and politicians. It’s all about power and control with many of them.

The justice system is all about winning for the most part. The lawyers on either side don't care what is wrong or right so long as they just win. A great example of this is the A.J. Johnson case. The horrible prosecution fought tooth and nail to not allow evidence in that would likely exonerate the defendants. Why? Didn't they care about justice? So just to they could win their case they fought to keep it out, not caring that two young men were facing a stiff prison sentence even if they were innocent.

A defense attorney fighting to get a serial killer free. Why? All about winning.
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Who cares?
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I live by sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

I'm sure the very ones outraged have used it.

I don't think people should be using it as an epithet but hypocrisy is even worse.

LOL! To me, sidestepping responsibility with such a lame excuse makes it even worse. From what I understand, the only people in the room while that video was recorded were her husband and 4 kids.... it's very telling that the video must have been posted to the internet by one of her own kids..
In many cases, I'm sure that's true, but a judge will rightfully be held to a higher standard of personal conduct than the average person. They certainly can't reveal a racial prejudice.

I'm sorry but I'm not triggered by this video eventhough the optics look bad. This judge had an attempted break-in at her house, and it seems like she was making light of another relative's possible reaction. She was not slandering the thug herself. $hit like this doesn't bother me anymore because it is prevalent among blacks, whites, hispanics, asians, etc. It wasn't worth losing a job. So dumb eventhough I agree judges should be held to a high standard. We keep going after people for everything. The mofo's that are triggered use the language as much as anyone.

I even agree there are hints of racism from folks on the board that I overall generally agree with and some I don't generally agree with on other matters. I may even say some things.
No, he did not. At least not in the context you are referring to. He was reading and quoting what someone else said.

Joe Biden was quoting racist comments when he used the N-word in 1985 | AP News

Have you ever noticed how much others have to try and spin the all the “gaffs” this man makes and the crazy a$$ lies he comes up with about racial issues ? It’s like his brain is stuck on stupid in the 50s .

- the one about Obama
- poor kids are just as smart as white kids
- ( my personal fav . ) Trump is the first racist president we’ve had in this country .
LOL! To me, sidestepping responsibility with such a lame excuse makes it even worse. From what I understand, the only people in the room while that video was recorded were her husband and 4 kids.... it's very telling that the video must have been posted to the internet by one of her own kids..
Yea I’m curious as to how it got posted.
The real crime is the release of the video tape. It's an invasion of privacy. I disagree with anyone of any race using the "n" word, but what you do in the privacy of your own home is no one's business, unless it's actually criminal (such as child abuse).

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