Judge Michelle Odinet resigns over N-word used in home video

Michelle Odinet's lawyer, Dane S. Ciolino, said the following in a prepared statement to the media, regarding her decision to resign from the bench. :

"There was never going to be a situation where African Americans would appear before her and not file motions to recuse. She understands that she's done with being a judge, but she's just starting her efforts to try to earn forgiveness from her community. She knows that's going to be a long haul."

---- Dane S. Ciolino, personal attorney to former Judge Michelle Odinet


Michelle Odinet had no choice but to resign as a judge. She simply couldn't do her job anymore.
Like I said..with her gone crime rates, especially among socioeconomically disenfranchised urbanoids, should trend downwards. We all know people who drop N bombs while not quoting someone else are the true root cause of societies problems and fuel systemic racism which in turn forces urbanoids and the like to commit crime. With her removed from the equation I feel that whatever sh!thole she had to reside over will quickly ascend to Wakanda-like stature in no time and the residents who were going to commit crime due to her racism will now live their best lives. Hell, one of em will probably cure cancer now!
The real crime is the release of the video tape. It's an invasion of privacy. I disagree with anyone of any race using the "n" word, but what you do in the privacy of your own home is no one's business, unless it's actually criminal (such as child abuse).
After private WH conversations were released in an effort to disparage Trump I’d guess people no longer believe in private conversations.
It was all the fault of a sedative. Those damn things will get you every time.

... and it should go without saying, she is a Republican.
Yep because if she were a Democrat she would just say she’s learned her lesson, kiss the feet of all woke people, especially the white ones that are most offended, and no one would say squat about it. We’ve seen it time and time again.
Not ok to say whatever the fook you want in the privacy of your home, but it IS ok to say the N word in songs and make millions doing so.
Not ok to say whatever the fook you want in the privacy of your home, but it IS ok to say the N word in songs and make millions doing so.
Not exactly an apples to apples comparison. A judge is sworn to perform their duties without prejudice. Being caught using a racial slur will call that into question. I'm not defending rappers who use the N-word. I think it's stupid... but rappers don't have the responsibility of meting justice.
Not exactly an apples to apples comparison. A judge is sworn to perform their duties without prejudice. Being caught using a racial slur will call that into question. I'm not defending rappers who use the N-word. I think it's stupid... but rappers don't have the responsibility of meting justice.
Rappers bring street justice to their enemies.
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In case you haven't been following this, Judge Michelle Odinet, from the City Court of Lafayette, Louisiana, resigned yesterday following public outcry over a home video which has surfaced on social media and YouTube, which purports to be of her and her immediate family members using the racial slur "ni**er", while watching security video of a black man being apprehended during a burglary attempt of their home. It is not publicly known how the video made its way to the internet.

Michelle Odinet has confirmed through her attorney, that the female voice heard speaking from the :10 to :14 second mark in the video below is hers.

This link below concerns her resignation from yesterday.

Lafayette judge resigns after racial slurs caught on video | wwltv.com

It does make you wonder how many judges, cops and elected public officials around the country are also guilty of being this two-faced... but just aren't stupid enough to record themselves in the act of showing their true colors.

See the story about Little Rock PD last week? It's filthy with discrimination against black cops

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