Me and the daughters are headed to watch it now. It’s not getting good reviews, but I always reserve judgement. I’m sure it will be a fun, summer movie anyway, even if not a great “movie”.
I'll see it but will wait for streaming. I loved the first one but every movie since has just been pretty meh to me. I mean there's only so many times you can tell the same story.
It's not the greatest but it wraps up the series about the only way they could. IMO I also think it lays the ground work for television spinoffs if they ever want to do that.
I probably gave it an extra half star for the nostalgia of the original cast and they are more than just cameos, one character unexpectedly becomes a hero.
A bit of nostalgia for me as I saw every Jurassic film at the same theater as the one my dad took me and my brother to see the original in '93.
It was good. Like a review I read, at times it felt like the dinosaurs were a backstory to what was actually going on in the movie, but I still enjoyed it. There was one product placement related throwback that gave me a chuckle so kudos for that.
I liked it. It's no amazing earth shattering epic or anything, but it's a good fun movie with some good call backs/nostalgia from the original original. The son and I had fun.