Just finished Brent Venables pre-Tenn presser

Seemed very genuine about Coach Hype and how he was a catalyst to Oklahoma returning to greatness.

He said sometimes God steers you away from one path and puts you on another that leads to something GREATER.

He’s saying something we already know, but the context means everything. Josh was supposed to be the next in line to Bob Stoops. Favorite All American son.

There’s A LOT of emotion in this game.

Nico and company just have to have narrow vision and go to work! Save all the hugs and daps till after we’ve won.
Honestly, one of the best recent pressers I’ve seen in awhile. Likable guy for sure. I’m a bit uncomfortable with how knowledgeable he seems to be of our team. No coach speak or short answers. Very thorough and on the money. Enforces my thoughts that Oklahoma will be ready and give us all we want. I don’t foresee a blowout.
Thanks for posting this. Brent’s story is quite inspiring. Wishing this man much success except when he faces Josh Heupel. My son in law graduated from K-State and he marveled at Bill Snyder and liked Venables and Mike Eketer as well. He was on the squad one season at K State but dropped football after an injury. I will send him the story of Venables. You can tell Clemson losing coach Venables was a serious loss.
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I need the Cliff’s Notes version.
Not really Cliff notes, just talks about his time with Heupel when he was playing for Oklahoma and coaching there. And Venables is a really genuine dude. I watched it and was really surprised. Good stuff there.

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