Justice Breyer Hints At Retirement Plans: Not Going ‘To Stay There Till I Die’

Trump's Supreme Court just showed why court-packing is necessary to save U.S. democracy (msn.com)

What a dipzoid:

People who criticize calls for court-packing say that the problem is Republicans will retaliate and add more justices themselves, next time they have power. What's your answer to that?

Well, I think the politics of the situation is that you can't have court-packing, unless you have control.

Democrats have control of the House, the Senate and the White House. If there's protection of voting rights that the Supreme Court would not strike down, then I don't think the Republicans, as currently constituted, could sweep the House, the Senate and the White House. The Republicans exercise outsized power right now, because of gerrymandering, because of the electoral power. But in 7 out of the last 8 presidential elections, the Democrat has won the popular vote. The Republican party would not have the popularity to sweep and implement court-packing. When the Republican party might actually sweep, it won't be the same Republican party that we have today.
A “law professor” said this lol
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The dems vs republican shtick is nothing but acting. 2 sides of the same coin. The entire system from elections to the courts is akin to the WWE. It's acting and the outcome is preordained. People getting worked up over elections and the makeup of the supreme court is a waste of time and energy. You'd be better served prepping for the chit storm that's coming to this country....one helluva fight.
The dems vs republican shtick is nothing but acting. 2 sides of the same coin. The entire system from elections to the courts is akin to the WWE. It's acting and the outcome is preordained. People getting worked up over elections and the makeup of the supreme court is a waste of time and energy. You'd be better served prepping for the chit storm that's coming to this country....one helluva fight.

Unless you have president's that shake up the apple cart there is no winning. That was Trump. He didn't care which side of the aisle you were on. He made them both mad. Biden is a system guy. He is controlled and he has bad judgment. It's not what America needs right now with all of it's problems. He's making it worse.

And for those saying Trump created them - no, it was the media and the democrat party who created them coming up with multiple impeachment schemes and pissed an outsider won. That's why they started attacking his taxes and his businesses. He wasn't a rehearsed bureaucrat. I didn't even vote for him in the primaries but he won me over with his will to stand up.
Life expectancy was a lot shorter back then.

Off topic, but at some point I read that life expectancy for that era is kind of skewed by infant and child mortality. A lot of people of people survived to old age, but they had to make it out of childhood first. I'm not gonna look it up though.
Seems like he might wanna retire soon while the Dems have control of Congress. Between inflation, the Delta variant, and Afghanistan, I think it very possible, even likely, that the GOP gets control of Congress at the midterms. If that happens, they could hamstring the process again, just like they did with Garland. That would lead to a lot of pissed off Dems.
In the aftermath of Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, and his fellow Senate Republicans filling Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat with Amy Coney Barrett, less than a month before the 2020 elections, it has become set in stone that the party in control of the Senate will block Supreme Court nominations made by an opposition party president from getting a hearing and a vote whenever they can. As a result of McConnell's hypocrisy, we will NEVER see another Supreme Court nominee confirmed by the Senate, whenever the opposing party to the president is in control.

"A Supreme Court seat should not be filled during an election year. The American people should be allowed to decide on election day who fills this seat."

.... was a disingenuous Senate Republican narrative from 2016. Rather than being a principle to stand behind, that narrative was exposed as a self-serving excuse convenient to that one specific year for Republicans.

All is fair in American politics, I suppose... but history has a long memory, and this will eventually be used to keep a Republican President from seating a qualified conservative Justice on the Supreme Court, and that Republican President won't like it when that happens, and neither will Republicans in the Senate. They won't have any moral high ground from which to complain, however.
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In the aftermath of Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, and his fellow Senate Republicans filling Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat with Amy Coney Barrett, less than a month before the 2020 elections. It has become set in stone that the party in control of the Senate will block Supreme Court nominations made by an opposition party president from getting a hearing and a vote whenever they can. As a result of McConnell's hypocrisy, we will NEVER see another Supreme Court nominee confirmed by the Senate, whenever the opposing party to the president is in control.

"A Supreme Court seat should not be filled during an election year. The American people should be allowed to decide on election day who fills this seat."

.... was a disingenuous Senate Republican narrative from 2016. Rather than being a principle to stand behind, that narrative was exposed as a self-serving excuse convenient to that one specific year for Republicans.

All is fair in American politics, I suppose... but history has a long memory, and this will eventually be used to keep a Republican President from seating a qualified conservative Justice on the Supreme Court, and that Republican President won't like it when that happens, and neither will Republicans in the Senate. They won't have any moral high ground from which to complain, however.
Personally, with the **** show that I've seen the democrats put on in the last several years, I can't ever see them ever winning another election again without cheating.
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In the aftermath of Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, and his fellow Senate Republicans filling Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat with Amy Coney Barrett, less than a month before the 2020 elections. It has become set in stone that the party in control of the Senate will block Supreme Court nominations made by an opposition party president from getting a hearing and a vote whenever they can. As a result of McConnell's hypocrisy, we will NEVER see another Supreme Court nominee confirmed by the Senate, whenever the opposing party to the president is in control.

"A Supreme Court seat should not be filled during an election year. The American people should be allowed to decide on election day who fills this seat."

.... was a disingenuous Senate Republican narrative from 2016. Rather than being a principle to stand behind, that narrative was exposed as a self-serving excuse convenient to that one specific year for Republicans.

All is fair in American politics, I suppose... but history has a long memory, and this will eventually be used to keep a Republican President from seating a qualified conservative Justice on the Supreme Court, and that Republican President won't like it when that happens, and neither will Republicans in the Senate. They won't have any moral high ground from which to complain, however.

How convenient to forget Reid's nuke.
I personally will never forget or forgive the illicit attempts to remove Trump. And stick your Russian narrative and supposedly higher political moral superiority up ur ass.
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Personally, with the **** show that I've seen the democrats put on in the last several years, I can't ever see them ever winning another election again without cheating.
LOL! You can make all of the unsubstantiated claims that you want, there is zero proof that any cheating was needed to beat Donald Trump in 2020, and it really wasn't even a close election either.

... and by the way, 2020 Trump Campaign attorneys, Lin Wood and Sidney Powell are facing the possibility of having their law licenses suspended, for making some of those unsubstantiated claims in court filings.
How convenient to forget Reid's nuke.
I personally will never forget or forgive the illicit attempts to remove Trump. And stick your Russian narrative and supposedly higher political moral superiority up ur ass.
This is red herring. On top of being a juvenile form of debate, you are bringing up issues completely unrelated to the topic of the Supreme Court... and grow up. Good lord.
LOL! You can make all of the unsubstantiated claims that you want, there is zero proof that any cheating was needed to beat Donald Trump in 2020, and it really wasn't even a close election either.

... and by the way, 2020 Trump Campaign attorneys, Lin Wood and Sidney Powell are facing the possibility of having their law licenses suspended, for making some of those unsubstantiated claims in court filings.
I thought you were an attorney? If so, your reading comprehension sucks.
This is red herring. On top of being a juvenile form of debate, you are bringing up issues completely unrelated to the topic of the Supreme Court... and grow up. Good lord.

Red herring? Reid played the nule card and payed the consequnce of reprissal. So bite me.
Again, red herring... and you are acting like a child.

There is no debate with someone who thinks Trump was a Russian agent because he reads the MSM "narrative". That false narrative caused more damage to the Republic that I can fathom.

Frankly, I loathe the Dem party and all that you allow to perpetrate.

So spare me the "red herrings" and whataboutisms you consistently hide behind.
In the aftermath of Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, and his fellow Senate Republicans filling Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat with Amy Coney Barrett, less than a month before the 2020 elections, it has become set in stone that the party in control of the Senate will block Supreme Court nominations made by an opposition party president from getting a hearing and a vote whenever they can. As a result of McConnell's hypocrisy, we will NEVER see another Supreme Court nominee confirmed by the Senate, whenever the opposing party to the president is in control.

"A Supreme Court seat should not be filled during an election year. The American people should be allowed to decide on election day who fills this seat."

.... was a disingenuous Senate Republican narrative from 2016. Rather than being a principle to stand behind, that narrative was exposed as a self-serving excuse convenient to that one specific year for Republicans.

All is fair in American politics, I suppose... but history has a long memory, and this will eventually be used to keep a Republican President from seating a qualified conservative Justice on the Supreme Court, and that Republican President won't like it when that happens, and neither will Republicans in the Senate. They won't have any moral high ground from which to complain, however.
Same scenario applies when the Republicans make up some complete BS to impeach a Dem President, or have someone come forward making ludicrous allegations about boofing or whatever to try and tank a Dem appointee. It's all cyclical. What goes around comes around as both sides continue to play tit for tat, always trying to outdo one another. It's why I hate partisan politics and refuse to support either party.
So he's a minimum wage teller that thinks he's rich handling other people's money? I'm trying to figure out which other loser I transposed him with.
I disagree with his politics and find him by and large to be a hypocrite, but I don't think he's a loser. I think he's a loan officer, but even if he were just a teller, it's a job. Everybody has to do something.
I disagree with his politics and find him by and large to be a hypocrite, but I don't think he's a loser. I think he's a loan officer, but even if he were just a teller, it's a job. Everybody has to do something.
Point made.

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