And you keep having fun watching Barnes coached teams underachieve in March.
Oh your talking about that single elimination tournament where 67 teams lose, and only one team wins? The majority of teams in the tournament “underachieve” with your logic. The tourney is literally a machine that spits out losers, and only makes one winner a year. And then you add on top of that, that it’s known for upsets. I don’t know if you know this, but it’s literally called March Madness for a reason. The majority of teams in the tourney aren’t happy with their march. Tbh a conference tourney championship, and a second round exit isn’t under achieving in March at Tennessee. I love the basketball program more than any other sports team in life, but I’m not ignorant to think we’re Kentucky or Duke. All it takes is one tourney run, to change the narrative. All the things you say now about Barnes was said about Tony Bennet, and Tony had the most underachieving March of all time when UVA lost to 16 seed UMBC. But guess what they did literally the next year? Won the whole damn thing.
And not to go on a rant on you, but this what I call football mentality. I never see people who grew up watching basketball, and who were around the game, think like this, but people who grew up watching football definitely do. If you have a great team in football, you can oppose your will on people and pretty much over power teams with lesser talent every time. Basketball isn’t football, you’re shooting a small, round ball into a small, round hole. Look at what just happened in game 7, to the number 1 seed suns, in the nba playoffs. Basketball is a game of runs and a game of hot and cold streaks. And it’s obvious you don’t understand that since you keep hyping Powell up, because he had a 12-14 game stretch against nobody, and put up good numbers.
And like I know I need to stop, but I haven’t gotten a lot of sleep the past 3 days and I’m feeling on one. I hate bringing race up, honestly my least favorite thing to do or talk about, but why is it always the football fans that latch on to who ever the “great white hope” guard is at the time. Like I’m so glad Mac Mcclung isn’t playing in college any more. It was very obvious from day one he was inefficient at scoring, and needed alot of shots to put up numbers. But god there were so many people riled up, pissed off at Barnes, when we didn’t try to get him like 3 different times lol. There are cold ass white boys all through out college basketball, just watch the game. You’ll figure out who they are, and you’ll realize Powell’s got a lot of skill and mental development to do.
And i hope he figures it out and has a great career. I’ve just seen this movie too many times and they don’t normally figure it out. When you quit and move teams as much as Powell has in his life, that doesn’t speak very well about his resilience. And that’s the main thing that kid needs, to get to where he wants to be one day.
Ok I’m getting off my soap box now. Need more sleep to be less conflictive
