Kamala letting chinese firms

FYI. The Chicoms are the worlds leader in Nuclear power while the US cowers in fear of neutrons. They’ll be using that nuclear energy to build all those solar panels, batteries, and wind turbines that the ignorant leftist filth want to install.
FYI. The Chicoms are the worlds leader in Nuclear power while the US cowers in fear of neutrons. They’ll be using that nuclear energy to build all those solar panels, batteries, and wind turbines that the ignorant leftist filth want to install.

I disagree. The US has the highest megawatt output in nuclear energy. China is the leader in coal fired as they're full of coal and they open a new power plant weekly. And the pollution is off the charts.
What’s more, Biden’s son Hunter was previously involved in several business relationships with CEFC China Energy Chairman Ye Jianming.

“After his father left office in 2017, Hunter Biden worked on securing a deal with CEFC China Energy to invest in US energy projects, according to documents released by Republicans,” CNN noted.

Similarly, an investment firm headed by Hunter Biden funneled millions into China General Nuclear Power Corp, a state-owned power company guilty of stealing American nuclear technology for use by the Chinese Communist Party for decades.
I disagree. The US has the highest megawatt output in nuclear energy. China is the leader in coal fired as they're full of coal and they open a new power plant weekly. And the pollution is off the charts.
They are building them. Using different vendors, including Westinghouse. And then combining different technologies into their own Hualong One design that will kill the Western companies, who are essentially dead already. It will then be South Korea, Russia, and China dominating the nuclear sector.
But I don't blame China for stealing nuclear technology. The west has no intent on building them. Every company involved only wants to milk utilities and ratepayers using infinite change orders like it's an ATM. China might as well crush us. We have no pride.
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Best song of all time IMO
Love me some Doobies, that's true, but my all time is Comfortably Numb. I'd listen to Gilmour play scales.

It's amazing how talented those 70s bands were isn't it? Doobies, Floyd, Kansas, ELO, Zeppelin... the list goes on and on.... And not a one sang with autotune.
Pretty sure they're libs...but I love their music!
I (still) have tickets to see Roger Waters in Orlando when he ever decides to come out of hiding and perform. He's a FLAMING liberal but a great musician (Gilmour is better... but...). Anyway, there are Youtube videos of some of his recent concerts, and he did a yuge slam of Trump on the giant screen. I will boo if he does any of that **** when I go see him. I want to hear their music, not their ****ing politics. Shut up and play!
I've always said that if I were a terrorist I would blow up cell towers. This country would drop to it's knees. Now imagine if they can't charge their Prius'.


But calling up and turning off the power grid is actually far easier than blowing up cell towers. If they screw around with power phasing, they can wipe out generation as well as transmission ... you don't just turn that back on. It's almost like the majority who don't seem to exist voted in a pair of raving idiots.

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