Kavanaugh Confirmation

I think she can’t present herself as a psychologist? The Dr is I believe a title relevant to her PhD? Psychologist is a professional title?

It’s crazy as hell — a “liberal arts” graduate that is allowed to “meddle” in the medical world. When I hear the term, psychologist, I think of Dr. Phil — a fat dude in a suit, who gets paid by an idiot who’s told not to do something.

Client: I burned my hand on the stove.

Dr. Phil: Well, dumbass, don’t put your hand on the stove.

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I think the whole "good man" conclusion is what's up for evaluation.

That's what the left wants to limit it to, only question Kavanaugh. They want everyone to ignore the inconsistencies that exist in Ford's story. They want you to ignore everything about Ford and take her accusation as proof enough. Don't question the victim, they say. Given that false accusations occur, shouldn't we establish who exactly is the victim first?

There are a range of possibilities here from it happened and Kavanaugh did it, to Ford is a complete BS artist making this up. Maybe it happened and Ford was too drunk to remember who did it so she latched onto Kavanaugh. Maybe she truly believes it was Kavanaugh, but it wasn't. So many different scenarios could be true.

The truth is we may never know the truth. Should Kavanaugh be presumed guilty when no proof exists? That seems to be what the left is advocating. Are they gonna hold their own feet to that same fire? Somehow I doubt it.

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